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The study of airborne transmission has been limited to the plausible transmission route of these highly infectious respiratory pathogens in epidemiological investigations. Meanwhile, the importance of the pathogen spread via bioaerosols (i.e. airborne route) has not been awakened until the frequent occurrences of those respiratory-related pandemics (i.e. SARS, MERS, etc.). With the escalating urgency to contain the wide and fast spread of contagious respiratory-related bioaerosols globally, any essential knowledge from a multi-disciplinary field is in great demand to mitigate the outbreaks. Although the epidemiological study is often solid and accurate to restrict the fast disease transmission, they require a great deal of clinical data or epidemiological data to support their contributions. This could be often delayed at the early stage of an emerging pandemic. Alternatively, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become a fast-rising approach to investigate and predict the transport characteristics of airborne particles or droplets via its strong capability of dynamic analysis on particle travel patterns and direct visualisation of their trajectories in the air. From the perspective of fluid mechanics, the entire transmission cycle of respiratory disease transmission can be divided into four main stages, from the infectious host's exhalation, suspension of the pathogen-bearing droplets and aerosols in the air, inhalation by the susceptible individuals, and ultimate deposition of the in the human respiratory system. For this comprehensive transmission cycle, each stage can be carefully mediated by various complex flow phenomena, which can be generally described as air-mucous interaction, dynamic distribution of droplets, respiratory jet flow, droplet evaporation, flow-induced aerosol suspension and dispersion, etc. Such highly participated fluid phenomena and mechanisms in each transmission process bring insight and opportunity for the CFD method to contribute its powerful modelling capability for the disease transmission analysis.
In addition, as the term "bio" additionally endows the biological meanings for these aerosol particles, understanding the biological parameter and characteristics of pathogen-bearing aerosols (i.e. bioaerosols) is essential. Such important parameters would all ultimately affect the infectious risk of the individuals in the indoor space, including the stability, viability, survivability and etc. These biological attributes of the respiratory droplets could be further integrated into the modelling processes and risk assessments to provide an enhanced understanding of the exposure and infection risk analysis of the bioaerosol transmission.
The purpose of this book is to provide an in-depth understanding of how CFD application becomes an excellent analysing and modelling tool to support the research community, government and regulatory agency for the investigation, mitigation and prevention of the respiratory-related pandemic, especially when the solid epidemiological data is insufficient with the newly emerging respiratory disease. With the solid knowledge being obtained from the entire book content, a computational-based virtual platform is proposed and demonstrated, aiming to provide a quantitative and holistic analysis of the bioaerosol infection risk assessment from source to sink.
The book begins with an introduction in Chapter 1 to provide an overview of the severity of the respiratory disease, its major transmission routes, and its deadly consequence on human health and the global economy. It aims to initiate the awareness for the reader to consider the importance of the solid and accurate analysis and investigation of respiratory disease transmission.
The second chapter devoted to bringing the readers with fundamental understand- ings in relation to the definition and the key characteristics of the respiratory-related bioaerosol. The key focus of this chapter is to provide the basic description of the dynamic mechanism of the droplet motion in the air and the corresponding physical and biological properties, which is part of the cornerstone for the subsequent modelling procedure.
The respiratory-based bioaerosol infections are further introduced in Chapter 3. In this chapter, the potential bioaerosol source in various environments (i.e. indoor and outdoor) for the bioaerosol growth and spread are represented, followed by the basic description of how the pathogens interact with the human respiratory system. Based on these findings, the human inter-clearance mechanism and current control strategies are demonstrated.
With the fundamental of the bioaerosol and the transmission being carefully introduced, the essential modelling approach in the CFD method to restore the comprehensive disease transmission investigation is introduced in Chapter 4. This chapter brings an important idea of how respiratory-related problems are solved with the traditional CFD workflow, and the corresponding numerical method required to solve complicated flow-particle interactions are also carefully represented (turbulence model, meshing, discretisation scheme, etc.).
To achieve a solid prediction of the disease transmission scenario, the key challenges in each disease transmission stage should be carefully solved by breaking down those critical processes. Before analysing the entire transmission process, the deepened understanding of the surrounding environment from the host is of great importance. Therefore, as the major source of bioaerosol, the surrounding environment of humans is carefully investigated in Chapter 5, especially in the micro-environment. It aims to bring the readers with the fundamentals of these dominating factors to affect the human micro-environment and the corresponding numerical approaches to model that. As human is the leading factor to affect the surrounding environment, the modelling of the computational manikin model is also important. To obtain a computationally efficient investigation, the recommended optimisation method of the manikin model is given in Chapter 5.
The effect of the influential factors on bioaerosol transport is described in Chapter 6. Two contaminant modelling approaches are introduced in this chapter, namely the Eulerian method and the Lagrangian method. An important focus of this chapter is to distinguish the major difference between these two methods in the context of the fluid dynamic and the practical applications. In addition, the major difficulties for the investigation of bioaerosol transport in the indoor environment are introduced, such as interpreting the complex flow phenomena induced by the ventilation and human thermal plume. The analysis could be more challenging if many occupants share a very limited space indoors. Staying in these such enclosed environments with multifarious affecting factors could potentially make the analysis more complicated than expected. Based on the findings, several numerical case studies are represented to demonstrate the importance of the influential factors in affecting the particle transport characteristics in the densely occupied environment (thermal plume, ventilation, etc.).
Chapter 7 further introduces the effect of the ambient conditions (i.e. humidity and temperature) on the physicochemical process of respiratory droplets before the inhalation. This chapter is particularly critical as the physical fundamentals of the pathogen-bearing particles are vastly dependent on the dynamic size distribution owing to the evaporation process. The conventional experimental study could hardly capture the dynamic properties of the droplets due to the devoid of advanced techniques, whereas the CFD method could effectively restore this complicated physicochemical process and provide a clear visualisation of the droplet size variation. Notwithstanding, describing the biological attributes of the pathogen-bearing particle is still a big challenge for the CFD method. To further account for the biological attribute of the pathogens, the integration of numerical method and mathematical risk assessment model is represented in this chapter. Two widely adopted risk assessment models (i.e. Wells-Riley and Dose-response model) are carefully introduced and demonstrated with the numerical case studies, respectively.
《生物气溶胶的输运与传播特性—建模与应用(英文版)》通过多个角度(尺寸分布,动能特性,化学特性,生物特性等),从机理上来剖析何为生物气溶胶,并进一步解释其在空气中的传播特征以及主要的影响因素(外在作用力, 湍流耗散,吸入沉积等)。随后,通过与微生物的活性,感染性等生物特性相结合,分析生物气溶胶吸入后在人体呼吸道的传播特征并关联相应的吸入感染风险分析。本书还将通过运用CFD建模与模拟,来实现对于生物气溶胶在空气中传播的系统性预测并对其在具体环境下传播特性的捕捉。同时,通过对于模拟数据的分析,评估预测感染风险。除此之外,本书将涵盖多类案例分析(包含吸入前与吸入后),通过对于案例的讨论与剖析,进一步展望生物气溶胶模拟在实际应用中的前景。后通过实际数据为依据,提供一些提升有效防疫防控措施的建议与设计。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Emerging Respiratory Pandemics. 1
1.2 Transmission Modes. . 4
1.3 From the Fluid Dynamics Perspective 9
1.3.1 Exhalation 9
1.3.2 Transport Characteristics in the Air. . 10
1.3.3 Exposure and Inhalability 12
1.3.4 Deposition in Human Respiratory System 13
1.4 Research Method 14
1.5 CFD Application to Transmission Control 21
References 25
Chapter 2 Bioaerosol Dynamics 32
2.1 What is Bioaerosol 32
2.2 Types of Bioaerosols 33
2.3 Properties of Bioaerosol 36
2.3.1 Size Distribution 36
2.3.2 Kinetic Properties 39
2.3.3 Biological Properties 40
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