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作者王莉丽 著
As an emerging developing country in the international arena, China is entering a new environment that seeks development under various pressures. With China's peaceful rise, prejudice and misgivings from all sides have cropped up. In this context, the establishment of a new international political and economic order needs the involvement of public diplomacy. Public diplomacy can exert a unique effect on the path of China's peaceful rise. It is an important way to enhance China's national soft power and national image, and to build trust and create a peaceful environment in the international community.
This book conducts a comprehensive theoretical analysis and public opinion strategic research on public diplomacy. In this book the concept and theoretical framework of "Pluralistic Public Diplomacy" is put forward; the role of multiple actors and public opinion strategies in the area of public diplomacy are analyzed concretely; different themes including public opinion and public diplomacy, think tanks and public diplomacy, media and public diplomacy, Sino-US relations and public diplomacy are elaborated. This book, on the one hand, can be used for theoretical study on public diplomacy; on the other hand, it offers guidance and enlightenment for the practice of public diplomacy.
Wang Lili
PhD in Political Communication. Deputy Dean at National Academy of Development and Strategy of Renmin University of China. Member of experts committee of the Science and Technology Commission of Central Military Commission. Member of experts committee of China Public Diplomacy Association. Visiting Research Fellow of the Brookings Institution. Her research focuses on Public Opinion, Public Diplomacy and Think Tanks. Her books include Intellectual Capital: the Core Competence of Chinese Think Tanks; Revolving Door: American Think Tanks Research; GreenMedia: Environmental Communication in ChinaIntroduction of Public Opinion.
序言 (赵启正) 中国进入公共外交新时代 …………………………… 1
序言 (魏礼群) 新时代: 积极推动中国公共外交迈上新台阶 ……… 1
引言 构建跨学科跨领域多元公共外交体系 …………………………… 1
章 ………………………………………… 1
节 …………………………………………… 4
第二节 ……………………………………… 8
第三节 多元视角与研究趋势 ……………………………………… 15
第二章 公共外交的理论图谱 …………………………………………… 29
节 传播学理论与公共外交 …………………………………… 31
第二节 国际关系理论与公共外交 ………………………………… 38
第三节 公共关系理论与公共外交 ………………………………… 42
第四节 文化研究与公共外交 ……………………………………… 47
第三章 多元公共外交理论框架建构 …………………………………… 53
节 现有理论及其不足 ………………………………………… 56
第二节 多元公共外交概念界定及作用 …………………………… 60
第三节 多元行动主体的角色与功能 ……………………………… 65
第四章 舆论与公共外交 ………………………………………………… 77
节 理解舆论 …………………………………………………… 79
第二节 舆论的构成要素 …………………………………………… 85
第三节 舆论的形成 ………………………………………………… 89
第四节 舆论的力量 ………………………………………………… 93
第五章 智库与公共外交 ………………………………………………… 97
节 ……………………………………………… 100
第二节 ………………………………………… 106
第三节 作为行动主体的智库公共外交 ………………………… 109
第四节 作为传播媒介的智库公共外交 ………………………… 117
第五节 作为目标受众的智库公共外交 ………………………… 124
第六节 中国智库建设与公共外交 ……………………………… 132
第六章 ………………………………………………… 143
节 媒体公共外交的概念和功能 …………………………… 146
第二节 ……………………………………… 151
第三节 …………………………………… 154
第四节 ……………………………………… 166
第七章 …………………………………………… 175
节 美国公共外交的历史演进 ……………………………… 178
第二节 ………………………………………… 188
第三节 特朗普赢得大选的舆论视角分析 ……………………… 191
第四节 中美公共外交面临的舆情态势 ………………………… 194
第五节 ……………………………………… 210
附文 中国公共外交亟须加强( ’s
) ………………………………… 230
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………… 233
致谢 ………………………………………………………………………… 254
As an emerging developing country in the international arena, China is entering a new environment that seeks development under various pressures. With China's peaceful rise, prejudice and
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