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CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Outline
1.1 The Debate Between Talmy and Slobin
1.2 Outline
CHAPTER 2 Talmy's and Siobin's Typological Theories and Chinese SVCs
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Talmy's Typology Model
2.2.1 Path and Satellite
2.2.2 Three Typological Types of Motion Verbs
2.3 Slobin's Typology Model
2.4 The Core of the Debate
2.5 Chinese SVCs
2.5.1 Li and Thompson's Original Analysis of SVCs in Chinese
2.5.2 Criteria of Defining SVCs
2.5.3 Control Patterns and SVCs in English
2.5.4 Summary
CHAPTER 3 Methodology and Data Collection
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Slobin's Argument
3.3 Properties of SVCs and Searching Method in a Corpus
3.4 The LCMC
3.5 Data of Chinese SVCs
3.6 Not Every SVC Expresses a Motion Event
3.6.1 Motion Event Types and Event Types
3.6.2 The Motion Group and the Non-motion Group
3.7 Summary
CHAPTER 4 Defining Semantic Parameters
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Diagnosis for Subevents
4.2.1 Evidence for Lexical Decomposition
4.2.2 Behaviour of Verbs
4.3 Talmy's Analysis of Motion Events
4.3.1 Talmy's Decomposition of the Meanings of Verbs
4.3.2 Semantic Elements and Lexicalisation(T) Patterns
4.3.3 Summary
4.4 Semantic Structure ofSVCs
4.5 Semantic Parameters
4.5.1 The Four Semantic Parameters in the First Group
4.5.2 The Nine Semantic Parameters in the Second Group
4.5.3 Summary
4.6 Event Relations in SVCs
4.6.1 Li and Thompson's SVC Event Relations
4.6.2 Hwang's Event Relations within SVCs
4.6.3 Semantic Relations and Temporal Relations
CHAFFER 5 Semantic Co-occurring Patterns of Chinese SVCs
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Semantic Patterns Presented by Basic Tables
5.2.1 Introduction to the Seven Basic Tables
5.2.2 'Action X' Patterns
5.2.3 'AspectCauseCondition X' Patterns
5.2.4 'Deictic X' and 'Location X' Patterns
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