Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humanshe lives in New York City with his parents, his older brotherGeorge and Snowball the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he'san adventurous and heroic little mouse. His daring escapadesinclude racing a toy boat in a Central Park pond, retrieving hismother's ring from a drain, and crawling inside a piano to fix thekeys for his brother. When his best friend, a beautiful little birdcalled Margalo disappears from her nest, Stuart is determined totrack her down. He ventures away from home for the very first timein his life and finds himself embroiled in one exciting adventureafter another, making new friends and meeting old ones along theway. 本书讲了美国纽约一个叫利特尔的普通家庭,他们有了一个像老鼠一样大小,长得也像老鼠的男孩斯图尔特,模样活脱脱就是一只小老鼠。这位老鼠小弟心地善良、聪明伶俐,一家人里头,除了那只名叫“野茉莉”的猫,没有不喜欢它的。斯图尔特最要好的朋友是寄居在他们家的小鸟玛加洛,为了让美丽的玛加洛不受“野茉莉”的欺负,鼠小弟可真是鼓足了勇气,动足了脑筋。他发誓要把玛加洛找回来,于是开动玩具车就上了路。一路上,险情趣事层出不穷,鼠小弟历尽千辛万苦……鼠小弟最后到底有没有找到玛加洛呢?你一定猜不着。好莱坞根据本书改编的电影,让倔强可爱的鼠小弟征服了全世界。
E. B. White was born in New York in 1899 and died in 1985. Hekept animals on his farm in Maine and some of these creatures creptinto his books, such as STUART LITTLE which was made into ablockbusting film in 2000. He received many awards including theLaura Ingalls Wilder Medal in 1970, an award given every five yearsto authors who have 'made a substantial and lasting contribution toliterature for children'.