第一部分 东部纵览 五岳之首——泰山 Mount Tai, Next to None among Five Famous Mountains in China / 2 人间仙境——蓬莱 Penglai, a Fairyland on Earth / 7 世外桃源——刘公岛 Liugong Island, a Paradise Island / 12 鱼米之乡——太湖 Lake Tai, a Land of Fish and Rice / 17 水墨天成——西湖 The West Lake, a Picturesque Landscape Created by God / 22 东海旖旎——雁荡山 Mount Yandang,Charmingly Overlooking the East Sea / 27 世界遗产——武夷山 Mount Wuyi, in he List of World Heritage / 32 海上花园——鼓浪屿Gulangyu Island,a Fragrant Garden on the Sea / 37 第二部分 南方览胜 秀出东南——庐山Mount Lu, Standing out in Southeast China / 44 热带——西双版纳 Xishuangbanna, a Tropical Paradise / 49 熊猫故乡——卧龙Wolong, Home to Giant Pandas / 54 神秘圣洁——香格里拉 Shangri-la,Mysterious and Holy / 59 人间瑶池——九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley, Goddess’ Jasper Lake on Earth / 64 美冠中华——桂林山水East or West,Guilin Landscape is Best / 69 翡翠山城——五指山Wuzhi Mountain,Erecting in a Jade Mountain City / 74 阳光沙滩——三亚 Sun, Sea, Sand, and Sanya / 79 第三部分 中原鸟瞰 家花园——承德Chengde, the Royal Backyard / 86 榆树之城——大理Dali, a City of Elm / 91 奇险天下——华山Mount Hua, the Most Precipitous Spectacle / 96 千峰竞秀——黄山Yellow Mountain,Where Thousands of Peaks Vying for the Splendor / 101 武林胜地——武当山Mount Wudang, a Resort for Chinese Martial Arts / 106 绿色珍珠——神农架Shennongjia, a Green Pearl / 111 山水画廊——三峡The Three Gorges, a Corridor of Mountains-and- Waters Paintings / 116 华夏动脉——黄河The Yellow River, an Artery of Chinese Civilization / 121 佛教圣地——峨眉山 Mount Emei, a Sacred Mountain for Buddhism / 126 第四部分 西部寻踪 艺术宝库——敦煌 Dunhuang, a Goldmine of Arts / 132 高原明珠——青海湖Qinghai Lake, a Pearl on the Tibetan Plateau / 137 沙漠绿洲——吐鲁番Turpan, the Oasis / 142 西游——焰山Flaming Mountain,a Legendary Mountain in Chinese Literature / 147 亦真亦幻——喀纳斯湖Kanas Lake, Real or Fantasy / 152 圣洁脱俗——天山The Tianshan Mountains , Holy and Immortal / 157 生命之河—— 塔里木河 The Tarim River, a River of Life in Dessert / 162 之海——塔克拉玛干沙漠 The Taklamakan Desert, the Sea of Death / 167 峡谷之最——雅鲁藏布大峡谷The Yarlung Zangbo Canyon, the World’s Deepest Canyon / 172 第五部分 北方探奇 冬夏相宜——太阳岛The Sun Island, a Paradise Resort in Winters and Summers / 178 仙鹤故乡——扎龙 Zhalong, Home to Cranes / 183 东北宝库——长白山Mount Changbai,a Treasure House in Northeastern China / 188 流贯古今——松花江Songhua River, a River That Never Stops / 193 驰骋——草原Free your heart, on the Grassland / 198 浪漫迤逦——金石滩The Romantic Golden Pebble Beach / 203 第六部分 宝岛 “天池”——日月潭Sun Moon Lake, Like the TianChi Lake in Taiwan / 210 山清水碧——阿里山Alishan, Feasting Your Eyes with Clear Water and Mountain / 215 宝岛三峡——太鲁阁大峡谷Taroko Gorge, Like the Three Gorges on the Taiwan Island / 220 山海之旅——垦丁A Kenting Trip between Mountain and Sea / 225 珍珠散落——澎湖列岛 The Penghu Island, Pearls scattered / 230