企业社会责任(Cororate Social Responsibility,CSR)是指企业在创造利润、对股东和员工承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对消费者、社区和环境的责任。企业社会责任和可持续经营管理是现代学术研究的热点和重要问题,《中国企业可持续经营的理论与实证研究》以中国企业为研究对象,研究内容主要包括识别中国企业社会责任经营活动的动因,探索企业社会责任对企业价值影响的作用机制与中介效应,分析企业采用企业社会责任经营活动后所带来的变化,*后研究如何构建指标体系,来评估企业可持续经营活动的经营绩效。
于艳妮,暨南大学经济学院资源环境与可持续发展研究院副教授,研究方向为企业可持续发展管理。在Energy Policy. Journal of Cleaner Production、Technological Forecastin,g and Social Change、Ecological Indicators等SCI/SSCI期刊发表论文20余篇,有2篇论文进入ESI高被引论文;担任SSCI期刊Sustainabilit,等客座主编。
preface issues on the intermediation
0.1 conceptual characteristics of intermediary
0.2 issues on the organizational culture and trust
0.3 issues on the organizational mitment and citizenship behavior
chapter 1 introduction
1.1 research objectives
1.2 the scope and the stnlcture of the research
1.3 conceptual characteristics of csr
1.4 literature review and proed modeling
chapter 2 first stage: the drivers for the adoption of csr practices in chinese panies
2.1 background
2.2 theory and hypothesis
2.3 methodology
2.4 empirical results
2.5 conclusion and discussion
chapter 3 second stage:the oute of the adoption of csr practices in chinese panies: the mediating effect of trust
3.1 backgmund
3.2 theory and hypotheses
3.3 methodology
3.4 emplncal results
3.5 conclusions and discussion
chapter 4 synthesis: the innuence of perceived csr practices on employees organizational mitment and citizenship behavior
4.1 background
4.2 theory and hypotheses
4.3 methodology
4.4 emdirical resulls
4.5 conclusion and discussion
chapter 5 strategic corporate sustainability performance of chinese state-owned listed firms