卷首语foreword 小动物临床case report 06猫癣菌伪足菌肿的病例报告 case report:feline eudomycetoma infection 10犬术后胃肠道粘连的诊治 gastral-intestinal adhesions:diagnosis and treatment for dog after gdv surgery continuing education 14世界传统中兽医学的过去和未来 traditional chinese veterinary medicine in the world:present and future 25犬猫胰腺炎的诊断 diagnosis of pancreatitis in dogs and oats 临床研究clinical study 39犬乳腺肿瘤疗效研究 treatment of canine mammary gland neosia with a chinese herbal supplement 45犬猫术部感染相关因素分析 factors associated with surgical site infections in dogs and cats 50犬冠状病毒感染现状及 corona virus infection and its preventative measures in canine patient 稀有动物exotic medicine 57非洲刺猬子宫内膜炎病例分析 diagnosis and treatment of endometritis in porcupines 60鹦鹉喙羽症(pbfd)的临床症状及检测方法研究 ittacine beak and feather disease:its clinical signs and diagnostic method 文摘international citations 70犬猫慢肾病 chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats 83小动物临床医源感染 hospital-associated infections in small animal practice 13诊断小测试 what is your diagnosis? 新书new books 相关useful links