作者 Michael Bond(迈克尔·邦德) 著;Peggy Fortnum(佩吉·福特纳姆) 绘
出版社 HoughtonMifflinHarcourt
出版时间 2008-10
ISBN 9780547133515
定价 168.10元
装帧 精装
纸张 胶版纸
页数 144页
正文语种 英语
丛书 PaddingtonBearseries
In 1958, the story of a little bear found in London's Paddington Station wearing the sign "Please look after this bear" was first published and has been beloved by children around the world ever since. At the time of its publication, one reviewer said, "It should be compulsory reading for all children from six to sixty." This deluxe anniversary edition includes full-color art throughout by the original artist, Peggy Fortnum.
Michael Bond purchased the original Paddington bear as a Christmas gift for his wife in 1956. A Bear Called Paddington was published two years later. At the time one reviewer said, "It should be compulsory reading for any child from six to sixty. Paddington is the funniest character in children's books for many years." Mr. Bond now lives in London.