There's a thief at Kirrin Cottage! The Famous Five think theyknow who it is, but they need to prove it! Where can they findevidence? The discovery of an old map and very unusual hiding placeis all they need to get to the bottom of this mystery and uncoverthe true culprit! These classic editions feature Enid Blyton'sunchanged text and Eileen A. soper's original illustrations.
Enid Blyton died in 1968 but remains one of the best-known andbest-loved writers of children's stories. She is consistently voteda children's favourite in author polls. She has over 600 children'sbooks to her credit, including the Famous Five series, the SecretSeven series, the Naughtiest Girl series - all Hodder - and theMalory Towers and St Clare's series, both available from Hodder onaudio.