lesson one text:geologlcal and physical bases of hydrocarbons detectlon new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:geophysical fundamentals for de―tecting hydrocarbons(油气探测的地球物理基础) lesson two text:geochemical exploratlon for petroleum new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:geochemlstry in early reconnais sance exploration(早期普查阶段的地球化学) lesson three text:surface geochemical exploratlon for oil and gas new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material: surface geochemlstry appllca-tions in oil and gas exploration(地表地球化学在油气勘探中的应用) lesson four text:integrated exploration improves wildcat success(i) new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:lntegrated exploration improves wildcat success(ⅱ)(综合勘探提高初探井的成功率[二]) lesson five text:impact of technology on new exploration new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material: exploration concepts for the 21st century(21世纪的勘探概念) lesson six text:oil and gas producing mechanlsms new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material: natural productlon mechanisms(天然开采机理) lesson seven text:secondary recovery new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:waterfloo(注水) lesson eight text:enhanced oil recovery technlques new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:outlook for enhanced oil recovery(对提高原油采收率的展望) lesson night text:miscible floo new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:mlscible displacement(混相驱) lesson ten text:steamfloo new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea materlal:steamfloo(蒸汽驱) lesson eleven text:polymer floo new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material: polymer floo and surfac tant/polymer floo(聚合物驱及表面活剂/聚合物驱) lesson twelve text:horizontal wells new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:horizontal wells for petroleum production(用于石油开采的水井) lesson thirteen text:investigatlon of well damage case hlstory new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:analysls and treatment of formation damage at prudhoe bay,alaska(阿拉斯加州普鲁德霍湾油田地层损害分析及处理) lesson fourteen text:estimation methods for proved recoverable re―serves of oil and gas new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material: estimation of oil and gas reserves(油气储量的估算) lesson fifteen text:synergism in reservolr management――the geo loglc perspectlve new words and speized phrases idioms and expressions notes to the text exercises rea material:an approach to reservolr manage ment(油藏管理方) 附录一 课文参译文 附录二 练题 附录三 词汇与语和短语表 附表一 地质图常用符号表 附表二 常用单位换算表 附表三 石油地质及相关专业常用英文期刊一览表 参文献