二手旧书,无盘,无习题,有笔记,7成左右新基本信息书名:文化视野中的欧盟作者:石坚,易丹 编出版社:重庆大学出版社ISBN:9787562465621出版日期:2011-08-01码洋:59.00元字数:页码:版次:装帧:平装开本:16开编辑推荐暂无相关内容内容提要 In the implementation of Jean Monnet Chair Professor Project(Jean Monnet Chair 2008-2753),we have offered a comprehensive series ofgraduate studies courses for the students at M.A.and Ph.D.levelsfrom interdisciplinary backgrounds,and the students ofeconomics,political science, linguistics,literature,culttualstudies and history take same classes and participate indiscussions.This kind ofinterdisciplinary leaming platform is awonderful starting point to guide the graduate students into awider and up-to-date perspective for their academic studies ofEU,making them acquainted with the current issues in European andEU studies,and helping themin their practical research work in thearea.In the lecture series and existing courses,the professors,guest speakers and scholars both intemational and home have noticedthat the students in one way or another lack a comprehensiveknowledge about EU and EU integration,and they,with their variousdiscipline backgrounds,need a common ground for theirdiscussions.For this purpose we have decided that compiling aReader for the students of European Studies is necessary,and eitherfor a course or to those students who have the interest to exploreEU,particularly EU integratign,a collection of academic paperswould be most helpful.目录暂无相关内容作者介绍暂无相关内容文摘暂无相关内容序言暂无相关内容