政治名流 共性与差异 002 Common Humanity and Differences 在团结中发展 008 The Development in Solidarity 真正的和平 013 Genuine Peace 三条忠告 023 Three Pieces of Advice 永远不打那种谁也打不赢的战争 028 A Nuclear War Can Not Be Won and Must Never Be Fought 中国崛起是一种机遇 033 The Rise of China Is an Opportunity 坚持梦想 039 Keep Your Dreams 我们必须尽到自己的职责 047 We Must Do Our Part 不受限制的自由选举 054 The Free Unlimited Election 女孩可以有所成就 062 Girls Making a Difference 敢于竞争 070 Dare to Compete 2010年:决定性的一年 077 2010: The Year of Decision 运用所学去追求最值得追求的目标 084 Use Your Education to Pursue Only the Worthiest of Goals 如果你从耶鲁毕业,你就能当总统 088 If You Graduate from Yale, You Could Be a President 领导能力和价值观 095 Leadership and Values 你们是全球化的一代 103 You Are the Global Generation 团结起来 110 United, We Stand 共同构建一个和谐的中西方关系 116 Building a Harmonious China-West Relationship 我们选择登上月球 123 We Choose to Go to the Moon 我相信你们 132 I Believe in You 美人鱼在哪儿 137 Where Do the Mermaids Stand 如果没有困难,人人都能成功 143 If It Were Easy, Anybody Could Do It 可持续发展与全球气候 154 Sustainable Development and Global Climate 中国的崛起是一种积极的发展 163 A Rising China Is a Positive Development “澳中关系20”,两国经济伙伴关系的新阶段 169 “Australia-China 20”, the Next Stage in Our Economic Partnership 21世纪的中国 180 China in the 21st Century 两国青年齐携手,中美友谊常远久 186 The Task for the Young in Sino-American Relationship 中美双边关系 192 The Bilateral Relationship Between US and China 中国是强国吗 205 Is China a Power 美中关系的未来 220 The Future of the US-China Relationship 马歇尔计划 231 The Marshall Plan 为什么不竭尽全力 240 Why Not the Best 伟大社会 250 The Great Society 商业精英 选择塑造我们的人生 264 We Are What We Choose 改变这个世界的不平等 274 Change the Inequality of the World 我是幸运儿 281 I Have Been Extremely Lucky 我生活中的三个故事 287 Three Stories from My Life 当梦想来临时抓住它 294 Grab Your Dreams When It Shows Up 柠檬汁人生观 299 Turning the Lemons into Lemonade 凝练生活的本质 306 Distill Your Life Down to Its Essence 优秀领导力的特质 314 Qualities of Great Leadership 我的创业故事 320 My Story of Entrepreneurship 不要等到安全了再去行动 327 Don’t Play It Safe 云技术是互联网赐予的礼物 333 The Cloud Is Part of Internet Gift 加入苹果为此生最正确的抉择 338 ......