PART1超星级15词 drop end face fall fire get go in keep life look make of on take
PART2五星级70词 act age arm blow blue book break bring call care change charge check close come cost icross cut die &aw dream drink drive feel fly force full give good grade hand have head ihelp hot hour jump just knock know land last late laugh lead leave let like line little live long lose man moment more move no not now off out pull put run set stand tum
PART3四星级91词 above account aim answer ask clean control doubt eat find first fish fit free grow hair hang happy hard hat here high home hope hurry ill job keen kick kind lack law lay lean leap learn leg less lie light listen lot love low luck mad march mark market match matter mean measure mess mind month most mouth much name near nose nothing once one only open order over pack part pass pay pick place play push quite see sell send sight sign sit start stick talk think throw work
PART4三星级124词 after bargain beat bend blame block boil build cast cheer chew clean consist count cover deal ……