1 Development and Prospect of Transient Electromagnetic Method1.1 Overview on TEM Method1.2 The Development Direction of TEM1.3 Frontier Subject of TEM Pseudo—seismic Migration and Imaging1.3.1 TEM Imaging Based On Equivalent Time—Frequency Conversion1.3.2 TEM Imaging Technology Based on the Wave Field Conversion1.3.3 Reverse Time Migration and Imaging Method1.4 Research Progress of Pseudo—seismic Migration and Imaging in TEMReferences2 Theory and Technology of Full.Zone Wave Field Transformation2.1 Theoretical Formula Construction2.2 Ⅲ—Posedness of Inverse Wave Field Transformation Analysis2.3 Numerical Methods for Wave Field Transformation2.4 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Regularization for Inverse Wave Field Transformation2.5 Correlation Stacking Method for Extracting Pseudo Wave Field2.6 Effectiveness Test of the AlgorithmReferences3 Property of TEM Pseudo Wave Field3.1 Two—Layer Model Analysis3.1.1 Wave Field with Single Positive Peak3.1.2 Wave Field with Single Peak3.2 Three—Layer Model Analysis3.2.1 Q—Type Model with Double Positive Peaks3.2.2 H—Type Model with Positive— Peaks3.2.3 K—Type Model with —Positive Peaks3.2.4 A—Type Model with Double Peaks33 Wave Field Characteristics of Time—Domain EM Responses with Noise4 Synthetic Aperture Algorithms and Compression of Wavelet Width4.1 Imaging Method Based on Synthetic Aperture4.2 Compression of Wavelet Width.4.2.1 The Phenomenon ofWaveform Dispersion4.2.2 The Reason of WavefoFin Dispersion4.2.3 Wavefoiin Dispersion Compression Based on Deconvolution4.2.4 Model CalculationsReference5 Surface Continuation and Imaging of TEM Based On Pseudo Wave Equations5.1 Establishment of Kirchhofr Diffraction Integral.5.2 Migration by Kirchhoff Integration(Surface Continuation)5.3 Boundary Element Method for Wave Field Continuation5.3.1 Discretization of Kirchhoff Integration5.3.2 Analysis on Elements5.3.3 Total Matrix5.3.4 Integration Ovet Elements6 Velocity Analysis of TEM Pseudo Wave Field6.1 Velocity Modelling Based on Equivalent Conductive Plate Method6.1.1 Basic Theory of Equivalent Conductive Plate Method6.1.2 Approximate Calculation of TEM Field at the Surface of a Horizontally Layered Earth6.1.3 Optimized Extraction of Parameter m6.2 Velocity Model for Single Observation Point6.3 Continuous Velocity Analysis6.3.1 Weighted Interpolation Based on Global Distance6.3.2 Localized Linear Interpolation7 Imaging of Theoretical Model and Field Examples7.1 Model Calculations7.1.1 Layered Model7.1.2 Three—Dimensional Model7.2 Examples with Field Data7.2.1 Advanced Detection of Tunnel7.2.2 Detection of Goaf of Coal Mine 作者介绍