This first examination in almost forty years of politicalideas in the seventeenth-century American colonies reaches somesurprising conclusions about the history of democratic theory moregenerally. The origins of a distinctively modern kind of thinkingabout democracy can be located, not in revolutionary America andFrance in the later eighteenth century, but in the tiny New Englandcolonies in the middle seventeenth. The key feature of thisdemocratic rebirth was honoring not only the principle of popularsovereignty through regular elections but also the principle ofaccountability through non-electoral procedures for the auditingand impeachment of elected officers. By staking its institutionalidentity entirely on elections, modern democratic thought hasmisplaced the sense of robust popular control which originallyanimated it.
1. Introduction: accountability and democratic theory
2. Radical trust and accountability in the seventeenthcentury
3. Fidelity and accountability in Virginia and Bermuda
4. Politics and ecclesiastics in Plymouth and Massachusetts
5. Constitutional conflict and political argument at Boston
6. Democratic constitutionalism in Connecticut and RhodeIsland
7. Conclusion: anglophone radicalism and popular control