Chapter 8: Georeferencing and Coring Data Management in Guicheng Archaeology Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen PaulNicholas Vogt (658)
Chapter 9: A Petrographic Analysis of Guicheng Pottery James B. Stoltman (681)
Chapter 10: Constructing a Frontier Culture: Ceramic Analysis in Guicheng Li Feng (727)
Part II
Chapter 1: The Excavation of the Ruins at Heping Village in the Northern Part of the Inner City of Guicheng in 2002 ,Zhao Juan Sun Zhaofeng (780)
Chapter 2: An Overview ofArchaeological Discoveries and Research on the Bronzes from Guicheng and Surroundings Wang Fuqiang,Yan Xudong,and Diao Peng (811)
Chapter 3: A Survey and Compendium of Bronzes Unearthed at the Guicheng City Ruins (1980-2010) Liu Yutao Ma Zhimin (871)
Chapter 4: A Report on the Background Survey of Past Discoveries of Bronzes in the Guicheng City Site Jiang Huimin Tang Jinqiong (902)
Chapter 5: The Results of Guicheng Archaeology: Social Changes on the Jiaodong Peninsula during the Bronze Age Li Feng (950)
Appendix 1: 14C Dating of the Guicheng City Site in Longkou,Shandong Zhang Xuelian (987)
Appendix 2: Results of Flotation at the Guicheng City Site,Longkou,Yantai,Shandong Zhao Zhijun (996)
Appendix 3: Animal Remains Discoveries during 2009 Test Excavations at the Guicheng City Site,Longkou,Shandong Li Zhipeng,Ren Lele,and Tom A.Stidham (1011)