This book intends to lead its readers to some of the current topics of research in thegeometry of polyhedral surfaces with applications to computer graphics. The main feature ofthe book is a systematic introduction to geometry of polyhedral surfaces based on thevariational principle. The authors focus on using analytic methods in the study of some ofthe fundamental results and problems on polyhedral geometry, e.g., the Cauchy rigiditytheorem, Thurston's circle packing theorem, rigidity of circle packing theorems and Colin deVerdiere's variational principle. With the vast development of the mathematics subject ofpolyhedral geometry, the present book is the first complete treatment of the subject.本书是基于第一作者2006年在浙江大学的讲义,全面系统地介绍了基于变化原理的多面体几何学,并辅以计算机图形的应用。