Our planet's resources are running out. The media bombards us with constant warnings of impending shortages of fossil fuels, minerals, arable land, and water and the political Armageddon that will result as insatiable global demand far outstrips supply
Dambisa Moyo is the critically acclaimed author of How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years Of Economic Folly - and the Stark Choices Ahead and Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is Another Way for Africa. She was chosen as one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2009. She holds a PhD in Economics from Oxford University and a Masters from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and has worked at the World Bank and Goldman Sachs. She was born and raised in Lusaka, Zambia. Her website is www.dambisamoyo.com
Introduction PART I. CHINA'S RUSH FOR RESOURCES 1. The Drivers of World Commodity Demand 2. The Resource State of Play: Land and Water 3. The Resource State of Play: Oil, Gas, and Minerals 4. Hocking the Family Jewels PART II. WHAT CHINA'S RESOURCE RUSH MEANS FOR THE WORLD 5. A Commodity Price Précis 6. Cornering the Market 7. Meddling in the Markets 8. The Geopolitics of It All 9. A Harbinger of Things to Come 10. Clear and Present Danger List of Tables and Figures Acknowledgments Notes Bibliography Index