Down the Rabbit-Hole 掉进兔子洞 The Pool of Tea 眼泪的池塘 A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale 一场会议式赛跑和一个长故事 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill 兔子派遣小比尔进屋 Advice from a Caterpillar 毛毛虫的建议 Pig and Pepper 小猪和胡椒 A Mad Tea-Party 疯狂的茶会 The Queen’s Croquet-Ground 王后的槌球场 The Mock Turtle’s Story 假海龟的故事 The Lobster Quadrille 龙虾四对方舞 Who Stole the Tarts? 谁偷走了馅饼 Alice’s Evidence 爱丽丝的证明 Looking-Glass House 镜子里的房间 The Garden of Live Flowe 活花儿的花园 Looking-Glass I ects 镜子里的昆虫 Tweedledum and Tweedledee 叮叮和咚咚 Wool and Water 羊毛和水 Humpty Dumpl ty 矮胖子 The Lion and the Unicorn 狮子与独角兽 “It’s My Own Invenlcion” “这是我自己的发明” Oueen Alice 爱丽丝女王 Shaking 摇 Waking 醒来 Which Dreamed it? 谁做了梦?