第 1章 数据流计算机和Systolic 阵列 1.1、一种新的体系结构――数据流计算机 1.2、用参数确定法设计阵列流水算法 1.3、The Design of Optimal Systolic Arrays 1.4、Systolic Processing for Dynamic Programming problems
第 2章 并行组合搜索 2.1、How To Cope With Anomalies in Parallel Approximate Branch and Bound Algorithms 2.2、Multiprocessing of Combinatorial Search Problems 2.3、Coping with Anomalies in Parallel Branch-and-Bound algorithm 2.4、Optimal Parallel Evaluation of AND Trees 2.5、Computational Efficiency of Parallel Combinatorial OR-Tree Searches 2.6、Parallel Iterative Refining A* Search 2.7、采用有效切分的负载均衡
第3章智能计算机 3.1、 The Status Of MANIP ―― A Multicomputer Architecture For Solving Combinatorial Extremum _Search Problems 3.2、 MANIP-2 Multicomputer Architecture For Evaluating Logic Programs 3.3、Computers For Symbolic Processing 3.4、A Survey On the Design Of Multiprocessing Systems For Artificial Intelligence Applications 3.5、神经网络计算机的体系结构
第4章人工智能和计算理论 4.1、基于熵的人工神经网络系统理论初探 4.2、On The Reduction Of Connections in Hopfield Associative Memories 4.3、General Simulated Annealing 4.4、人工智能的计算复杂性研究 4.5、求解可满足性问题的算法综述 4.6、技术综合集成在模式识别中的应用
第5章并行算法、网格与生物信息学 5.1、Parallel Processing For Serial Dynamic Programming 5.2、New Crossover Operators In Genetic Algorithm 5.3、求解SAT问题的局部搜索算法及其平均时间复杂性分析 5.4、Topological structure analysis of the protein interaction network in budding yeast 5.5、Usability Issues Of Grid System Software
第6章 高性能计算机 6.1、高速科学计算与大规模并行机 6.2、曙光一号并行计算机 6.3、曙光一号并行计算机的系统软件与特点 6.4、NCIC's Research And Development In Parallel Processing 6.5、共享存储多处理机系统中的多级高速缓存 6.6、并行操作系统的现状与发展趋势 6.7、BCL-3: A High Performance Basic Communication Protocol for Commodity Superserver DAWNING -3000 6.8、A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome 6.9、Design and Performance of the Dawning Cluster File System 6.10、Metadata Distribution and Consistency Techniques for Large-Scale Cluster 6.11、发展高性能计算需要思考的几个战略性问题
第7章微处理器 7.1、Godson-3: A Scalable Multicore RISC Processor With X86 Emulation 7.2、New Methodologies for Parallel Architecture 7.3、Godson-T: An Efficient Many-Core Processor Exploring Thread- Level Parallelism 7.4、Building Billion-Threads Computer and Elastic Processor
第8章下一代网络与通信 8.1、一种可扩展大型 E-MAIL 服务系统的研究与实现 8.2、IPv6 业务技术研究 8.3、 Enhancing the transmission efficiency by edge deletion in scale free networks 8.4、未来移动通信系统中的通信与计算融合
第9章大数据系统与算法 9.1、基于关系结构的轻量级工作流引擎 9.2、聚类/分类中的粒度原理 9.3、 Computing for the Masses 9.4、 Temporal Scaling in Information Propagation 9.5、大数据系统和分析技术综述