Favorite topics in active and interactive print and digital books, specially designed for newly confident readers. Every year, stories of extreme weather events dominate the news. This book not only informs children about different types of weather but helps them understand how weather systems are connected. Case studies that run throughout the book give eyewitness accounts of weather disasters and a final section includes weather heroes from meteorologists to storm chasers. The digital book tells you how to be a weather forecaster. Structured layouts, age-appropriate vocabulary, and infographics make this book a great informational text at school and at home. 几乎每一年,各种关于极端天气的故事都会占据新闻头条位置。 世界上有哪几类天气,不同的天气之间有哪些联系等等通通都可以在读本中找到。 此外,读本将带领小读者认识各种气象英雄,从气象学家到各种风暴追求者应有尽有。 配套的电子读本里还会告诉小读者如何成为一名气象播报员。 全彩照片带来最震撼的视觉效果,合理的布局、和年龄匹配的词汇以及各类图表,无论是在学校还是在家,都将给小读者带来最强大的知识信息。
Penny Arlon writes children's nonfiction, taking inspiration from her own children. Her books range from preschool titles to family reference books, and include the Art Attack books, based on the award-winning CITV (UK) children's television program, and all 14 titles in Dorling Kindersley's Eye Know series.