基本信息 书 名 椭圆模函数理论讲义 第一卷 外文书名 出版社 高等教育出版社 作 者 克莱因 定 价 168.00元 出版时间 2017.10 I S B N 9787040478723 套装书 否 重 量 KG 装 帧 平装 版 次 1 字 数 配套资源 页 数 639 开 本 16开 内容简介 椭圆模函数理论讲义 第一卷 (Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Modular Functions, First Volu 目 录 Part I Introduction to the Study of the EllipticModular Functions 1 On the invariants of the binary biquadratic form 1.1 The form f (z1, z2) and its irrational invariants 1.2 The irrational invariants A,B,C of the form f 1.3 Behavior of the A,B,C upon varying the sequence of factors of f 1.4 Equivalence of two forms with the same sequence of factors. First canonical formof f 1.5 The equivalence of a form f with itself 1.6 The equivalence of two formswith arbitrary factor sequence 1.7 The rational invariants of the form f 1.8 The rational invariants in explicit form 1.9 The invariants g2, g3 and the absolute invariant J 1.10 The second canonical formof f 1.11 Geometrical observations on the second canonical form 1.12 Third conical formof f 1.13 More on the third canonical form. Connection to the theory of the regular solids 1.14 Normal forms of the elliptic integral of the first kind 1.15 Naming the normal forms.History 2 On the periods of the elliptic integral of the first kind 2.1 Pairs of primitive periods of the integral of the first kind 2.2 The periods as invariants. Dependency on the rational invariants. Normalization of the periods 2.3 Setting up the differential equation for the normalized periods 2.4 Fundamental theorems concerning the dependency of the normalized periods on J 2.5 Choice of a special primitive period-pair 2.6 Dissection of the J-plane. Significance of the determinations of the previous paragraph 2.7 Approach to t 基本信息 书 名 椭圆模函数理论讲义 第二卷 外文书名 出版社 高等教育出版社