Program & Abstract Book: 4th Congress of APSSAM, the Asia Pacific Society for the Study of Aging Male in Conjunction with 28th Continuing Urological Education of the Indonesian Urological Association (CUE IAUI), 2nd Continuing Education on Sexual Medicine of the Indonesian Association of Sexology (CESM IAS)
Grand Hyatt, Nusa Dua Bali, May 3-5, 2007
Welcome Message from the Congress Chairman
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the 4th APSSAM & CUE IAUI which also coincide with CESM IAS. Bali is the island of Gods and had inspired many good things in medical conference.
Aging by itself associated with reduced productivity, decreased general vigor, as well as with increased incidence of several diseases e.g. cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, degenerative & metabolic diseases (arthrosis, diabetes, osteoporosis), visual loss (macular degeneration, cataract), hearing loss, anxiety, mood, depression & sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, various dementias (i.e. Alzheimer's diseases) and endocrine deficiencies.
In this 4h Congress of APSSAM (Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male) will discuss and demonstrate the awareness of many branches of medical specialties in this relatively new discipline, especially in the Asia Pacific region.
This scientific meeting will bring together the most recent data presented by prominent scientists &clinicians from Asia Pacific region as well as from other continents. The experts will highlight prostate problems, from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) to prostate cancer, androgen / testosterone metabolism, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiological problems, infectious and chronic diseases, osteoporosis, sexuality / erectile and ejaculation disorders, as well as physical fitness and economical problems in aging male ('gerontonomics')
This congress is intended for a broad audience with multifaceted interests: general practitioners, urologist, andrologist, sexologist, internist, cardiologist, physiatrist, psychiatrist, experts and researchers of medical, behavioural, and social sciences, as well as providers of services and technologies for the aging population.
The theme of the congress is "Scientific and Evidence Base of Aging Male Health: Current and Future Progress", and aimed to bring the current & future progress to have a better quality of life of healthy aging population.
Our sincerest thanks and appreciation for the faculty, the organizing committee and all partners who had put together a lot effort in the preparation of this congress.
Wishing you successful congress and have a pleasant stay in Bali.