Zheng Yuanjie was bom in 1955 and started writing fairy tales in 1978.He is so far the only writerin the world who has been the sole author of a single monthly Fairy Tales for 34 years.Under lus pen, all his story characters, like Pipilu, Lucy, Shuke and Beita, are vividly depicted and loved by generations of young Chinese readers. After the 2008 Wenchuan and Yushu earthquakes, Zheng donated 1.5 million RMB to the children in the disaster area.The Ministry of Civil Affairs of China gave him the title of “Goodhearted Person in China.”In 2008, the World Intellectual Property Organization of the United Nations awarded him a Gold Prize for Intemational Copyright Creativity, citing his efforts in writing so many well-read stories of children's literature.In 201 1 the State Admirus-tration of Press and Publication of China crowned him the title of “Anti-Piracy Spokes-man”
1.A Little Bee and a Little Cricket 2.A Spot Tiger and a Snow Rabbit 3.Car Mouse Li the Second 4.A Bug at Wolves' Lair 5.A Cat Wearing a Wind Coat 6.A Plane Tree 7.Four Mice and a Cat 8.Father and Son 9.A Tiger Needs Dental Implants 10.An Actress and Princess Thumbtack 11.Pipilu and His Wood Monkey 12.The Last Egg on the Earth 13.A Mouse Making Phone Calls 14.The Vision of a Botanic Garden 15.Five Apples Causing Havoc on the Earth