Why do advertising campaigns and new products often fail? Why doconsumers feel that companies don't understand their needs? Becausemarketers themselves don't think deeply about consumers' innermostthoughts and feelings. Marketing Metaphoria is a groundbreakingbook that reveals how to overcome this "depth deficit" and find theuniversal drivers of human behavior so vital to a firm'ssuccess.
Gerald Zaltman is an emeritus professor at the Harvard BusinessSchool, and recipient of numerous awards for his contributions tomarketing thought and practice. He has served on the Advisory Boardof Harvard's "Mind, Brain, and Behavior Initiative." LindsayZaltman is Managing Director at Olson Zaltman Associates. His workhas been cited in such publications as the New York Times, FastCompany, Business 2.0, and Variety. He has lectured extensively atvarious Fortune 500 companies and conferences.