斯坦福大学1 Three Stories from My Life 我生命中的三个故事——苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯2 Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something记住自己即將死去,这是我所知道的防止患得患失的良方 Feelings,Failure and Finding Happiness 感觉失败及寻找幸福 ——《奥普拉脱口秀》主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞15 If you really want to fly,just harness your power to your passionHonor your callingEverybody has oneTrust your heart and success will come to you 如果你真的想要飞翔,就把力量投入到你的激情当中。尊重你内心的召唤,每一个人都会有内心的召唤。 相信你的内心,你就会取得成功。 哈佛大学38 Advice for Graduates 给大学毕业生的几个忠告 ——美国前能源部部长朱棣文39 Life is too short to go through it without caring deeply about something 生命太短暂,所以不能空手走过,你必须对某样东西倾注你的深情。 How to Tackle the World'sWorstInequities? 如何解决这个世界最严重的不平等? ——微软创始人比尔·盖茨56 Humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries-but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity人类最大的 进步并不在于其发现,而在于如何利用这些发现来减少不平等现象 亚利桑那州立大学74 To Make the World a better Place:GoBeyond the Boundary of Material Comfort 跨越物质的藩篱,让世界今非昔比 ——美国第44任总统巴拉克·奥巴马75 I can promise that you will be the be the better for that continued effort, as will this nation that we all love我可以保证,通过不断的努力,你们将会有所进步,我们所挚爱的祖国也会变得更加美好。 耶鲁大学94 Cherishing What You Have Now,and Striving for the Future 珍惜现在,把握未来 ——英国前首相托尼·布菜尔95 Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed,because it is failure not success that defines character不仅要接受成功,也要准备经历失败。因为是失败而非成功塑造了性格。 Dare to Compete,Dare to Care 敢于竞争,勇于关爱 ——美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿108 Dare to compete,Dare to careDare to dreamDare to lovePractice the art of making possibleAnd no matter what happens,even if you hear shouts behind,keep going要敢于竞争,敢于关爱,敢于梦想,敢于去爱!要努力创造奇迹!无论发生什么, 即使有人在你背后大声喊叫,也要勇往直前。 Everyone Can Be a President 人人都能成为总统 ——美国第43任总统乔治·布什122 To those of you who received honors,awards,and distinctions,I say,well doneAnd to the C students-I say,you,too,can be the President of the Untied States对于那些表现杰出、获得各种奖项和荣誉的同学,我要说,你们真棒!对于那些C等生,我 要说,你们将来也可以当美国总统! Follow You Bliss,Follow Your Heart 追随你的幸福,倾听你的心声 ——美国著名新闻人安德森·库珀130 But it actually was the best thing that ever happened to meI decided that if no one would give me a chance,I'd have to take a chance,and if no one would give me an opportunity,I would have to create my own opportunity但这次失败却成了我人生中最有价值的经历。我下定决心,如果没人给我时机,我就自己寻找时机; 如果没人给我机会,我就自己创造机会。 牛津大学145 Heal the Children,Heal the World 拯救儿童,拯救世界 ——流行音乐之王迈克尔·杰克逊146 In a world filled with despair,we must still dare to dreamAnd in a world filled with distrust,we must still dare to believe即使世界充满绝望,我们也要勇于去梦想;即使世界充满猜疑,我们仍然敢于去信任。 The Democratization of Education 教育的民主化——全球最成功的拉丁女歌手 夏拉奇·伊莎贝尔·迈巴拉克·里波尔172 What made us accelerate so quickly recently and how can we continue this pace?There is only one explanation to me,and that's the democratization of education是什么让我们的文明在最近这些年迅猛发展,我们又该如何继续保持这个速度呢?在我看来答案只有一 个:教育的民主化。 普林斯顿大学180 We Are What We Choose 选择塑造人生——“亚马逊”之父杰夫·贝索斯181 Cleverness is a gift,kindness is a choiceGifts are easy-they're given after allChoices can be hard聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。天赋得来很容易-毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择却颇为艰难。 威斯康星麦迪逊分校189 How to Make Your Dream Come True 如何实现你的梦想 ——著名导演、电影制片人杰里·朱克190 It's great to plan for your futureJust don't live there,because really nothing ever happens in the futureWhatever happens happens now,so live your life where the action is -now规划未来是一件好事,但不要只活在未来中,因为未来的事情实际上还没 有发生。不管发生什么事情,都只是发生在当下,所以要活在当下。 宾夕法尼亚大学202 Sing the Melody Line in Your Life 奏出生命中最美的乐曲——摇滚巨星博诺203 "If you want to serve the age,betray it" “如果你想对时代有所贡献,那么就去背叛它吧! ” 佛罗里达大学222 What Determines Your Success 决定你成功的因素——全球著名投资商、股神沃伦·巴菲特223 But in determining whether you succeed,there is more to it than intellect and energy但是在智力和精力之外,还有更多的因素决定你是否能够成功。 杜兰大学243 Stay True to Yourself 做真正的自己 ——美国著名脱口秀主持人艾伦·德詹尼丝244 And really when I look back on it,I would`t change a thingI mean,it was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is,is to be true to yourself真的,当我回首这些往事的时候,我一点也不会做出改变。我是说, 因为我发现,即使失去一切,最重要的是做真正的自己。 杜克大学253 Follow Your Gut,and You Will Be a Huge Success 追随自己的心声,你们一定会成功 ——《奥普拉脱口秀》主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞254 Trust your gut to help you stand proudly in your own shoes,as you help others stand in theirs,and I know you will be a huge success相信自己的心声,你才能自豪地穿上自己的鞋子走自己的路,如果你也能帮别人走他们自己的路,那你们一定会大有作为。 密歇根大学273 Grab Your Dream When It Shows Up 当梦想来临时抓住它 ——谷歌公司的创始人拉里·佩奇274 Overall,I know it seems like the world is crumbling out there,but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy,follow your curiosity,and be ambitions about itDon`t give up on your dreamsThe world needs you all!总而言之,我知道这个世界看起来巳支离破碎,但这确实是你们人生中一个伟大的吋代,你们可以疯狂一点,追随你们的好奇心,雄心勃勃。不要放弃梦想。世界需要你们。 卡内基梅隆大学286 Living True to Your Dreams and Follow Your Passion 衷于梦想,追随热情 ——计算机科学、人机交互及设计教授兰迪·波许287 It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed,it is the things we do not临终时我们不会后悔做过的事,而是后悔没有去做的事。 澳大利亚国立大学292 Building the Foundations for Success 为成功做好准备——澳大利亚新南威尔士省技术与进修教育委员会委员和澳大利亚商业银行执行董事安妮·德·萨里斯293 Knowing who we are and being confident enough to do what matters to us-that`s what counts了解自己,满怀自信,做好我们认为重要的事情,这才是最重要的。