A new Clifford Phonics Program! The fourth of six boxed sets, each containing twelve books and one CD, guides children through a carefully selected progression of letters and sounds. This boxed set of 12 books shows Clifford, friends, and family in various adventures that reinforce Clifford\'s values of caring, sharing, and being together. Each book points out the letters and sounds being focused upon, along with "words to learn" and "words to sound out." Look for Scholastic\'s own reading experts excerpted on the box! 受全世界孩子喜爱的大红狗出自然拼读套装了!有大红狗和他朋友们的陪伴,对孩子们来说学习英语也变成一件值得期待、令人愉悦的事情了! 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装(含CD),共分为6个套装,分别为: 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装1(含CD) 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装2(含CD) 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装3(含CD) 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装4(含CD) 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装5(含CD) 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装6(含CD) 每个套装内包括12本趣味故事和1张CD。 12本趣味故事围绕大红狗和他的朋友、家庭展开,讲述了发生在他们之间的各种搞笑有趣的冒险故事,突出大红狗关爱、分享、合作的信念。 每本书会学到不同的发音和单词,在书的首页会告诉小读者们本书学习的重点单词和发音,尾页也有学习内容提示,套装1至6,难度逐渐增加。 书本内插图颜色鲜艳明快,内容趣味性强,读来让人感觉温暖而充满欢笑,文字内容富有韵律感,读来朗朗上口,激发孩子的阅读兴趣和自主性,增强阅读自信心,打下扎实的阅读基础。 套装内CD包括12本书的音频,纯正的美式发音,为孩子创造学习美式英语的浓厚氛围。 大红狗趣味自然拼读套装4(含CD):听大红狗朋友Jetta讲故事……家长可以让孩子按顺序阅读也可以根据孩子自身发展情况选择适合的读本。
Norman Bridwell (born February 15, 1928 in Kokomo, Indiana, U.S.) is an American author and cartoonist, best-known for the Clifford the Big Red Dog series of children\'s books. Bridwell attended John Herron School of Art in Indianapolis, Indiana and Cooper Union in New York City. He currently resides on Martha\'s Vineyard, MA, where he continues to write an average of two books a year. There are over 126 million copies of his books in print in 13 languages.He lives in Edgartown, MA with his wife Norma. They have two children, son, Tim, and daughter, Emily Elizabeth. 罗曼·布莱德威尔(Norman Birdwell)是美国著名儿童漫画家,他的作品在美国影响了几代人,代表作《怎样照顾你的怪物》发表于上世纪70年代,在美国曾经风靡一时。他的“大红狗Clifford”图书系列全球发行量达到4000万册之多,非常惊人。