Business leaders today are seeking meaningful patterns in theirpeople data that will help them gain a competitive edge. Theanswer is in the growing discipline of workforce analytics. Much attention has already been paid to the technicalrequirements for implementing workforce analytics, now, there\'s abook that covers the organizational development and changemanagement issues that will make or break your success. Drawing on insights from dozens of experts in workforce analyticsas well as their own cutting edge experience within IBM, theauthors walk step-by-step through setting up and then embeddingworkforce analytics capabilities. With candid case studies and clear advice from those who havealready faced and overcome the challenges associated withworkforce analytics, you\'ll learn how to: • Begin with a vision, not data analysis •Pick your projects wisely, so you can \"earn your keep\" withvisible, valuable successes •Build a team with the right skills to deliver the insights yourorganization needs •Identify the right stakeholders and sponsors to ensuresuccess • Choose the best technology for your analytics needs •Handle some of the sensitivities around using employeedata in analytics projects •Run a successful workforce analytics function for the longterm •Use storytelling techniques to ensure you can influenceorganizational decisions or initiatives with the results of your workforce analytics projects Analytics are rapidly becoming pervasive in functions ranging fromFinance to Marketing. Now, discover how HR can gain just asmuch value, by informing every key decision with the best possibleinsight.