1.可开发票,具体请联系客服; 2.请看清运费和商品描述再下单,不接受本店运费的请绕行; 3.“现货”图书48小时内北京发货,快递可发圆通、京东、顺丰到付等; 4.代询图书,具体请咨询客服。 The rewards and dangers of speculating in the modern financial markets have come to the fore in recent times with the collapse of banks and bankruptcies of public corporations as a direct result of ill-judged investment. At the same time, individuals are paid huge sums to use their mathematical skills to make well-judged investment decisions. Here now is the first rigorous and accessible account of the mathematics behind the pricing, construction and hedging of derivative securities. Key concepts such as martingales, change of measure, and the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model are described with mathematical precision in a style tailored for market practitioners. Starting from discrete-time hedging on binary trees, continuous-time stock models (including Black-Scholes) are developed. Practicalities are stressed, including examples from stock, currency and interest rate markets, all accompanied by graphical illustrations with realistic data. A full glossary of probabilistic and financial terms is provided. This unique book will be an essential purchase for market practitioners, quantitative analysts, and derivatives traders. 5.品相说明: 95品:未使用的书,但可能存在微小瑕疵:封面边角可能有轻微磕碰、磨损、折痕、印章或签名等,具体请看商品描述。 9品:整体较新,除上面提到的瑕疵外,可能还有轻微的翻阅痕迹、但内页基本上都干净如新,具体请看商品描述。 85品:标准二手书,正文不缺页,除上面提到的瑕疵外,可能有一定的破损或较多的划线或笔记,具体请看商品描述。