• Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购
  • Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购


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Investment Banking: Valuation Models + Online Course Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions 英文原版 Joshua Rosenbaum 投资银行:估值、杠杆收购、兼并与收购

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作者Joshua Rosenbaum

出版社John Wiley & Sons







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In the constantly evolving world of finance, a solid technical foundation is an essential tool for success. Due to the fast-paced nature of this world, however, no one was able to take the time to properly codify its lifeblood--namely, valuation and dealmaking. Rosenbaum and Pearl originally responded to this need in 2009 by writing the first edition of the book that they wish had existed when they were trying to break into Wall Street.

Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A, and IPOs, 3rd Edition is a highly accessible and authoritative book written by investment bankers that explains how to perform the valuation work and financial analysis at the core of Wall Street – comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, LBO, M&A analysis...and now IPO analytics and valuation. Using a step-by-step, how-to approach for each methodology, the authors build a chronological knowledge base and define key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout the book.

The genesis for the original book stemmed from the authors' personal experiences as students interviewing for investment banking positions. As they both independently went through the rigorous process, they realized that their classroom experiences were a step removed from how valuation and financial analysis were performed in real-world situations. Consequently, they created this book to provide a leg up to those individuals seeking or beginning careers on Wall Street – from students at undergraduate universities and graduate schools to "career changers" looking to break into finance.

Now, over 10 years after the release of the first edition, the book is more relevant and topical than ever. It is used in over 200 universities globally and has become a go-to resource for investment banks, private equity, investment firms, and corporations undertaking M&A transactions, LBOs, IPOs, restructurings, and investment decisions. While the fundamentals haven't changed, the environment must adapt to changing market developments and conditions. As a result, Rosenbaum and Pearl have updated their widely adopted book accordingly, turning the latest edition of Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A, and IPOs into a unique and comprehensive training package, which includes:

Two new chapters covering IPOs plus insightful contributions from Nasdaq, the leading U.S. exchange and technology provider for IPOs and new listings, and global law firm Latham & Watkins LLP
Access to six downloadable valuation model templates, including Comparable Companies Analysis, Precedent Transactions Analysis, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Leveraged Buyout Analysis, and M&A models
Six-month access to online Wiley Investment Banking Valuation Course featuring bite-sized lessons, over five hours of video lectures, 100+ practice questions, and other investment banking study tools
Launch your career on Wall Street and hone your financial expertise with Rosenbaum and Pearl’s real-world knowledge and forward-looking guidance in the latest edition of Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A, and IPOs.



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