Assouline and Chanel present a newly updated trilogy celebrating the timeless spirit, signatures, and heritage of the house of Chanel, this slipcase set includes three Mémoire volumes: Chanel Fashion, Chanel Jewelry And Watches, and Chanel Fragrance And Beauty.
作家安妮·贝雷斯特主要出版了《1954年的巴黎》(Gallic Books,2015年);与卡罗琳·德·迈格雷、奥黛丽-迪万和索菲-马斯合作的《如何成为巴黎人,无论你在哪里》(Doubleday,2014年);《Recherche femme parfaite》(Grasset et Fasquelle,2015年);以及与她妹妹、作家克莱尔-贝雷斯特合作的《Gabriële》(Stock,2017年)。她还为电视和剧院写作。她在Rond-Point剧院编导了戏剧《La Visite》,2019年,她为Arte创作了电视剧《Mythomaniac》,可在Netflix观看。
自1989年以来,法比安-雷波一直专注于奢侈品领域,特别是高级珠宝和手表。她曾为法国媒体中有声望的名字撰写文章,并撰写了几本书,包括与弗雷德里克-拉马德(Frédéric Ramade)合作的《100 Montres de légende》(Solar,1999年);《手表: 钟表指南》(Assouline,2006年,2010年);Casa Lopez: Un art de vivre, with Pierre Sauvage (Flammarion, 2018); and Rolex: The Impossible Collection (Assouline, 2018).
Marion Vignal是一位作家、记者和展览策展人。Ida M.艺术和编辑咨询工作室的创始人,Vignal定期为M Le Mag(世界报的周刊)和《名利场》撰稿。她还撰写了几本书,包括《Charles Zana:Intérieurs》(Rizzoli,2018);与Cédric Morisset合作的《Les 101 Mots du design à l'usage de tous》(Archibooks,2010);以及《Femmes designers, un siècle de créations》(Aubanel,2009)。
Writer Anne Berest has notably published Sagan Paris 1954 (Gallic Books, 2015); How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are, with Caroline de Maigret, Audrey Diwan and Sophie Mas (Doubleday, 2014); Recherche femme parfaite (Grasset et Fasquelle, 2015); and Gabriële, with her sister, writer Claire Berest (Stock, 2017). She also writes for television and theater. Most recently she wrote and directed the play La Visite at the Théâtre du Rond-Point, and in 2019 she created the TV series Mythomaniac for Arte, available on Netflix.
Since 1989, Fabienne Reybaud has specialized in the luxury field, especially fine jewelry and watches. She has written for the most prestigious names in the French press, and she has authored several books, including 100 Montres de légende, with Frédéric Ramade (Solar, 1999); Watches: The Ultimate Guide (Assouline, 2006, 2010); Casa Lopez: Un art de vivre, with Pierre Sauvage (Flammarion, 2018); and Rolex: The Impossible Collection (Assouline, 2018).
Marion Vignal is an author, journalist and exhibition curator. Founder of Ida M. artistic and editorial consulting studio, Vignal writes regularly for M Le Mag (weekly magazine of Le Monde newspaper) and Vanity Fair. She has also authored several books, including Charles Zana: Intérieurs (Rizzoli, 2018); Les 101 Mots du design à l’usage de tous, with Cédric Morisset (Archibooks, 2010); and Femmes designers, un siècle de créations (Aubanel, 2009).