美国摄影师 William Eggleston 是众所皆知的彩色摄影先锋,他的作品往往生动细腻、饱富诗意。此书《William Eggleston Portraits》伴随英国国家肖像馆所举办的展览,第一次全面性重新检视 William Eggleston 的肖像摄影作品,收录从 1960 年代至今共 120 幅影像,其中更包含早期从未公开出版过的些许黑白肖像摄影作品。为他的职业生涯提供了全新的观点,同时透过这些影像所呈现的魅力,描绘出这位当今极具代表性摄影大师其人生的世界观。
William Eggleston 于 1976 年在纽约 MoMA 所举办的个展堪称是当代艺术与彩色摄影的关键交会,在此之前他耗时数年规划整理其作品。最终此展览获得巨大成功,不仅对他职业生涯具有指标性意义,同时引领著彩色摄影步入当代艺术之范畴。
1939 年生于田纳西州孟菲斯的 William Eggleston,成长于密西西比。他曾于范德比大学就学一年、三角洲州立大学短暂求学一学期,之后转至密西西比大学就学五年,然而这七年光阴他却没有得到任何学位,相反的因为得到好友赠送的莱卡相机而对摄影产生兴趣。William Eggleston 目前已经于世界各地举办超过一百场的个人展览,而其作品仍持续启发且影响著众多新进摄影师与艺术家。
‘I want to make a picture that could stand on its own, regardless of what it was a picture of. I’ve never been a bit interested in the fact that this was a picture of a blues musician or a street corner or something.’ – William Eggleston William Eggleston’s photographs are special for their eccentric, unexpected compositions, playfulness, implied narrative and, above all, his portrayals of people. Over the past half-‐century he has created a powerful and enduring body of work featuring friends and family, musicians, artists and others. Eggleston frequented the 1970s Memphis club scene, developing friendships and getting to know musicians, including Ike Turner, Alex Chilton and others. His fascination with the nightclub culture resulted in the experimental video Stranded in Canton (2005), which chronicles visits to bars in Memphis, Mississippi, and New Orleans. At the same time he encountered and photographed the likes of Dennis Hopper, Eudora Welty and Walter Hopps – and for a brief moment Eggleston even entered the Warhol Factory scene, dating the Warhol protégé, Viva. William Eggleston: Portraits accompanies the first exhibition to explore Eggleston’s pictures of people. Works included span his career from the 1950s through to his well-‐known portraits of the 1970s to the present day. The catalogue includes an essay, chronology and beautifully reproduced exhibition plates, as well as a series of revealing interviews with Eggleston and his close family members, conducted in Memphis by exhibition curator Phillip Prodger.
书籍细节: Hardcover : 184 pages Product Dimensions : 28.3 x 2 x 28.7 cm Publisher : National Portrait Gallery; 01 Edition (22 July 2016) Language: : English