What is lived-in style? It's laid-back, comfortable, no-fuss and uniquely you.
It could bring to mind the comfy chair you curl up in beside the window. Maybe it will get you thinking about your freshly made bed, topped with a vintage blanket or quilt. Or perhaps it will elicit a smile over the collection of mementos and found treasures displayed on your mantel. Author Ki Nassauer sets out to visit 12 beautiful and eclectic lived-in homes full of vintage and repurposed treasures and hear how their owners put them together. Tips and hints give an insight into how to shop vintage, source art and antiques, introduce a sense of personality and have fun with decorating.
As the owners of these homes demonstrate, Lived-In Style is about slowly amassing pieces over time-and truly loving each piece you gather. The result is a joyful and personal home-a cozy yet chic spot where everyone will want to put their feet up and stay awhile.
Ki Nassauer被称为 "复古的Martha Stewart",其媒体报道来源包括《华尔街日报》、NBC的《今日》和HGTV。Ki对复古充满热情,她在古董店、跳蚤市场、废品收购站和偶尔在街边的废品堆中寻找创造性的家具和配件。她曾是《跳蚤市场风格》杂志的编辑,并于2006年在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯创办了两年一度的复古购物盛会Junk Bonanza。作为《生活方式》杂志的创刊人,Ki继续分享她对所有古老和真实事物的热情,同时记录了以复古为灵感的生活的美丽和实用。在明尼苏达州出生和长大,Ki现在住在洛杉矶。
Ki Nassauer has been dubbed the 'Martha Stewart of vintage' in media coverage from sources such as the Wall Street Journal, NBC's 'Today' and HGTV. Ki has a passion for vintage, scouring antiques stores, flea markets, salvage yards and the occasional street-side pile of castoffs in search of inventive furniture and accessories. She is the former editor of Flea Market Style magazine and in 2006 started the biennial vintage shopping extravaganza Junk Bonanza in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As creator of Lived-In Style magazine, Ki continues to share her passion for all things old and authentic while chronicling the beauty and utility of the vintage-inspired life. Born and raised in Minnesota, Ki now lives in Los Angeles.