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  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
  • (补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍。初版首刷!三册合售,国内现货,保存良好,精装版,英文原版)Law, Legislation and LibertyA new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy F. A. Hayek 法律、立法与自由  [英]哈耶克 经济学经典之作
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'I regard Hayek's work as a new opening of the most fundamental debate in the field of political philosophy' – Sir Karl Popper
'This promises to be the crowning work of a scholar who has devoted a lifetime to thinking  about society and its values. The entire work must surely amount to an immense contribution to social and legal philosophy' - Philosophical Studies
Law, Legislation and Liberty is Hayek's major statement of political philosophy and one of the most ambitious yet subtle defences of a free market society ever written. A robust defence of individual liberty, it is also crucial for understanding Hayek’s influential views concerning the role of the state: far from being an innocent bystander, he argues that the state has an important role to play in defending the norms and practices of an ordered and free society. His arguments had a profound influence on the policies of Thatcher in the 1980s and resonate today in visions of the ‘Big Society’.


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