“色域 "成为了一个方便的术语,可以用来描述那些以大片色彩为主导的绘画作品。这不是一场艺术运动,而是一群志同道合的艺术家。美国抽象表现主义艺术家为抽象绘画开辟了一条道路,他们的成就也向其他艺术家提出了挑战,要求他们重新创造抽象画。对非传统媒介和方法的尝试,以及这些艺术家对绘画传统的探索,使得他们创作出了作品。本书标题 “世界的荣耀”(Glory of the World)取自弗兰克-斯特拉(Frank Stella)关于极具影响力的艺术家和教师汉斯-霍夫曼(Hans Hofmann)的著作。
“Hofmann proved that the straightforward manipulation of pigment can create exalted art … glory of the world this painting surely is.” ―Frank Stella
"Color Field" became a convenient, albeit imperfect, term to describe paintings in which vast areas of color are the dominant force. It was not an art movement but rather a cohort of like-minded artists. While the American Abstract Expressionists cleared a path for abstract painting, their achievements also challenged others to create abstraction anew. Experimenting with nontraditional mediums and methods, as well as these artists’ probing of painting’s conventions, led to unprecedented works. The book’s title, Glory of the World, takes its name from the writings of Frank Stella on the influential artist and teacher Hans Hofmann, whose exalted abstract paintings, produced solely through the straightforward manipulation of pigment, were revered by the Color Field painters.
Artists include: Frank Bowling, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Gilliam, Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski, Larry Poons, Frank Stella, Alma Thomas.