塔伊娜·卡拉戈尔(Taína Caragol)和凯特·克拉克·莱梅(Kate Clarke Lemay)通过汇集威廉·麦金利(William McKinley)和西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)等支持海外扩张的美国人物的肖像,以及波多黎各的欧亨尼奥·玛丽亚·德·霍斯托斯(Eugenio María de Hostos)、古巴的何塞·马蒂(José Martí)、菲律宾的费利佩·阿贡西洛(Felipe Agoncillo)、关岛的何塞·贝尔纳多-帕洛莫(Padre Jose Bernardo Palomo)和夏威夷的莉莉乌卡拉尼女王(Queen Lili'uokalani)的肖像,讲述了 1898 年的故事。在整本书中,卡拉戈尔和莱梅还研究了风景、海军场景和历史文物。他们研究了重要时期艺术家温斯洛·荷马和阿曼多·梅诺卡以及当代艺术家马亚·克鲁兹·帕利略、斯蒂芬妮·西胡科和米格尔·卢西亚诺的艺术作品。Paul A. Kramer 的文章论述了史密森学会在支持帝国主义方面所扮演的角色,Jorge Duany、Theodore S. Gonzalves、Kristin L. Hoganson、Healoha Johnston 和 Neil Weare 的文章提供了与岛屿地区有密切个人或学术关系的专家的批评性观点。《1898年:加勒比海和太平洋的视觉文化与美帝国主义》使读者重新思考美西战争、美菲战争和吞并夏威夷的问题,同时揭示美帝国主义的持久影响。
In 1898, the United States seized territories overseas, ushering in an era of expansion that was at odds with the nation’s founding promise of freedom and democracy for all. This book draws on portraiture and visual culture to provide fresh perspectives on this crucial yet underappreciated period in history.
Taína Caragol and Kate Clarke Lemay tell the story of 1898 by bringing together portraits of U.S. figures who favored overseas expansion, such as William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, with those of leading figures who resisted colonization, including Eugenio María de Hostos of Puerto Rico; José Martí of Cuba; Felipe Agoncillo of the Philippines; Padre Jose Bernardo Palomo of Guam; and Queen Lili‘uokalani of Hawai‘i. Throughout the book, Caragol and Lemay also look at landscapes, naval scenes, and ephemera. They consider works of art by important period artists Winslow Homer and Armando Menocal as well as contemporary artists such as Maia Cruz Palileo, Stephanie Syjuco, and Miguel Luciano. Paul A. Kramer’s essay addresses the role of the Smithsonian Institution in supporting imperialism, and texts by Jorge Duany, Theodore S. Gonzalves, Kristin L. Hoganson, Healoha Johnston, and Neil Weare offer critical perspectives by experts with close personal or scholarly relations to the island regions.
Beautifully illustrated, 1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific challenges us to reconsider the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, and the annexation of Hawai‘i while shedding needed light on the lasting impacts of U.S. imperialism.