Taschen的编辑安吉丽卡•塔斯琴(Angelika Taschen)在众多的海岸、岛屿和海滩上寻找最美丽的酒店,带您前往豪华的Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc酒店和位于蔚蓝海岸(Côte d'Azur)的超时髦的Les Roches Rouges,意大利吉利奥岛(Giglio)鲜为人知的Pardini's Hermitage(只能乘船或步行前往),以及土耳其的博德鲁姆(Bodrum),那里优雅的Amanruya度假村隐藏在地中海最迷人的海湾之一。她还介绍了新的酒店概念、著名的建筑和创意设计--例如巴利阿里群岛上的Finca Menorca Experimental、克罗地亚的现代主义别墅Dubrovnik和伯罗奔尼撒半岛上的Dexamenes,在这里,退役的酒罐被注入了新的生命。 编辑 Angelika Taschen在海德堡学习艺术史和德国文学,1986年获得博士学位。自1987年起,她在塔斯琴工作,出版了许多关于艺术、建筑、摄影、设计、旅游和生活方式的书籍。 作者 Christiane Reiter是一位常驻布鲁塞尔的自由撰稿人,她曾在艾希施塔特大学学习新闻,并在慕尼黑和苏黎世的Ringier出版社担任旅游编辑。她曾在艾希施泰特大学学习新闻学,并在慕尼黑和苏黎世的Ringier出版社担任旅游编辑。后来,她在《法兰克福汇报》设立了旅游栏目。 The Mythical Mediterranean
Where to get lost, in style and comfort The Mediterranean is surrounded by three continents – Europe, Africa and Asia – and even though the cultures around this sea are highly diverse, they harmoniously share a pleasant climate, distinctive flora and fauna, and not least the intense blue of the water. Angelika Taschen set out in search of the most beautiful hotels on a great variety of coasts, islands and beaches, taking you on a journey to the luxurious Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc and the ultra-chic Les Roches Rouges on the Côte d’Azur, to the little-known Pardini’s Hermitage on the Italian island of Giglio, which is only accessible by boat or on foot, and to Bodrum in Turkey, where the elegant Amanruya resort lies hidden in one of the most stunning bays in the Mediterranean. She also presents new hotel concepts, great architecture and creative design – for example the finca Menorca Experimental on the Balearic Islands, the modernist Villa Dubrovnik in Croatia and Dexamenes on the Peloponnese, where new life was breathed into decommissioned wine tanks.
Further highlights are the brand-new, stylishly designed Mezzatorre on Ischia and the Torre di Cala Piccola with its enchanting private beach on the Argentario peninsula in Tuscany, an almost unknown location that possesses the aura of 1960s Italy. Another real gem is La Locanda del Barbablù, with just five rooms in the shadow of the mythical volcano on Stromboli. Look forward to staying at the Nord-Pinus in Tangier with its fantastic view of the Strait of Gibraltar, and the charming Coco-Mat Eco Residences on Serifos, or experiencing the originality of Ammos on Crete, where the art and design are as essential as the sun and the beach!
The editor
Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Texts by
Christiane Reiter is a freelance author based in Brussels. She studied journalism at the University of Eichstätt and worked as a travel editor for Ringier Publishing in Munich and Zurich. Later, she established the travel section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
Great Escapes Mediterranean. The Hotel Book. 2020 Edition