This is a wildly wonderful book about a hyperactive kitten,Skippyjon Jones, whose head and ears are too big for his body, andwhose imagination is too intense for his mama. According to her, heneeds to do some serious thinking about what it means to be aSiamese cat instead of a bird (Skippyjon always wakes up and eatsworms with his feathered friends). She sends him to his room, wherehe imagines he is a Chihuahua ("My name is Skippito Friskito./Ifear not a single bandito"). Chock-full of rhyming chants andSpanish expressions, the feline's adventure as a doggy Zorro endsin chaos. His frazzled mother gives him a hug anyway and says, "Saygood night, Skippyjon Jones." "Buenas noches, mis amigos," says thekitten, as he bounces on his bed all ready for another adventure.The buoyant and colorful cartoon illustrations match the exuberanttext perfectly. Spanish-speaking children will be especiallydelighted by the words and humor; others may be a little bewilderedby all of the foreign phrases and will need some explanation, butthe story definitely has the potential of a fun read-aloud. A goodmulticultural offering. 2003年,爱蹦爱跳、满脑袋幻想的跳跳周诞生在了美国。上市以来,“无敌小剑侠跳跳周”系列畅销不衰,书中的主角跳跳周也成为大受儿童欢迎的经典形象。跳跳周是个让妈妈头疼的小淘气,他最喜欢钻进壁橱,化身无敌小剑侠跳跳利奥,跟着“卷饼帮”的吉娃娃们四处去冒险。他们上到火星,下到金字塔神秘地宫,经历了一段又一段的奇幻旅程…… 不少孩子都像跳跳周一样,天性爱玩爱闹、调皮捣蛋。现代教育观点认为,玩和幻想是孩子的天性,也是孩子的权利。与孩子的天性合作,给他们释放幻想、张扬自我、发挥个性的空间,对孩子未来的发展有着深远的影响。书中的跳跳周是幸运的,妈妈不但总能在他害怕时给予温暖的怀抱,还能在他捣乱时,用耐心和宽容,给他的天性和幻想一片广阔的天地。