作者简介: 乔纳森?科比特(Jonathan Corbet),got his first look at the BSD Unix source back in 1981, when an instructor at the University of Colorado let him "fix" the paging algorithm. He has been digging around inside every system he could get his hands on ever since,working on drivers for VAX, Sun, Ardent, and x86 systems. He got his first Linux system in 1993 and has never looked back. Jonathan is currently the cofounder and executive editor of Linux Weekly News "(http://www.LWN.net). He lives in Boulder,Colorado with his wife and two children. 内容简介: 本书是经典著作《Linux设备驱动程序》的第三版。如果您希望在Linux操作系统上支持计算机外部设备,或者在Linux上运行新的硬件,或者只是希望一般性地了解Linux内核的编程,就一定要阅读本书。本书描述了如何针对各种设备编写驱动程序,而在过去,这些内容仅仅以口头形式交流,或者零星出现在神秘的代码注释中。 目录: Preface 1. An Introduction to Device Drivers The Role of the Device Driver Splitting the Kernel Classes of Devices and Modules Security Issues Version Numbering License Terms Joining the Kernel Development Community Overview of the Book 2. Building and Running Modules Setting Up Your Test System The Hello World Module Kernel Modules Versus Applications Compiling and Loading The Kernel Symbol Table Preliminaries Initialization and Shutdown Module Parameters Doing It in User Space Quick Reference 3. Char Drivers The Design of scull Major and Minor Numbers Some Important Data Structures Char Device Registration open and release scull's Mem ...