精彩内容: PREFACEWhen computer software succeeds梬hen it meets the needs of the people who use it, when it performs awlessly over a long period of time, when it is easy to modify and even easier to use梚t can and does change things for the better. But when software fails梬hen its users are dissatis ed, when it is error prone, when it is dif cult to change and even harder to use梑ad things can and do happen. We all want ... 内容简介: 本书自1982年发行靠前版以来,一直受到软件工程界的高度重视,成为高等院校计算机相关专业软件工程课的重要教学参考书。近30年来,它的各个后继版本一直都是软件专业人土熟悉的读物,在靠前软件工程界享有无可质疑的地位。它在全面而系统、概括而清晰地介绍软件工程的有关概念、原则、方法和工具方面获得了广大读者的好评。此外,本书在给出传统的、对学科发展具有深刻影响的方法时,又适当地介绍了当前正在发展的、具有生命力的新技术。 目录: CHAPTER 1 THE NATURE OF SOFTWARE 1 1.1 The Nature of Software 3 1.1.1 De ning Software 4 1.1.2 Software Application Domains 6 1.1.3 Legacy Software 7 1.2 The Changing Nature of Software 9 1.2.1 WebApps 9 1.2.2 Mobile Applications 9 1.2.3 Cloud Computing 10 1.2.4 Product Line Software 11 PROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDER 12 FURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCES 12 CHAPTER 2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 14 2 ...