作者简介: 刘少波,现任暨南大学经济学院院长。获霍英东基金全国高校青年教师奖一等奖、广东省社科优秀成果一等奖、广东省优秀教学成果奖一等奖、全国优秀金融研究成果二等奖等奖励二十余项。主要研究领域为资本市场、公司金融、风险投资。 内容简介: 本书的主题是国际区域合作与中国“一带一路”倡议,来自中国、俄罗斯、匈牙利、德国、意大利、土耳其和中国香港等国家和地区的16位学者围绕转轨经济的经验与教训、经济增长与经济结构调整的关系、区域经济合作、“一带一路”倡议、中国进一步市场化改革和制度性建设等方面展开研讨。所涉及的内容都是世界上许多国家都面临的问题,探讨这样的主题具有全球性价值。 目录: 前言 Preface The Barriers to Innovation and Technological Progress in a Renascent Market Economy Integration Potential of States in Economic Belt of the Silk Road China's Silk Road Strategy and Eurasian Regional Cooperation Transition as a Nationwide Learning Process Institutions in Transition:Challenges and Political and Economic Constraints The Divergent Palhs of Central European Countries:From Transforma-tion to Crisis Transitional Processes in the Post-Soviet Space: The Case of Kazakh-stan and Uzbekistan The Evolution of Turkish-Chinese Trade Relations and the Impact of Chinese Trade on the Turkish Manufacturing Sector Silk Road Economic Belt= Implementation Prospects and International Political Transformations in Eurasia Research on Chinese Outward Direct Investment in the Belt and Road Initiative Area