作者简介: Simon Walkowiak,a cognitive neuroscientist and a managing director of Mind Project Ltd - a Big Data and Predictive Analytics consultancy based in London, United Kingdom. As a former data curator at the UK Data Service (UKDS, University of Essex) - European largest socio-economic data repository, Simon has an extensive experience in processing and managing large-scale datasets such as censuses, sensor and smart meter data, telecommunication data and well-known&n ... 内容简介: 大数据分析是检视庞大的复杂数据集的过程,这些数据集通常超出了你所拥有的计算能力。R语言作为数据科学的领军编程语言,包含了诸多功能强大的函数,足以解决大数据处理相关的所有问题。 《大数据分析:R语言实现(影印版 英文版)》首先简要叙述了大数据领域及其当前的行业标准.然后介绍了R语言的发展、结构、现实应用和不足之处,接着引入了用于数据管理和转换的主要R函数的修订版。读者会了解至U基于云的大数据解决方案(例如Amazon EC2实例和Amazon RDS,Microsoft Azure及其HDInsight集群)以及R与关系/非关系数据库(如MongoDB和HBase)之间如何建立连接。除此之外,进一步涵盖了大数据工具,如ApacheHadoop、HDFS和MapReduce,还有其他一些R兼容工具,如Apache Spark及其机器学习库Spark MLlib、H2O。 目录: Preface Chapter 1:The Era of Big Data Big Data - The monster re-defined Big Data toolbox - dealing with the giant Hadoop - the elephant in the room Databases Hadoop Spark-ed up R- The unsung Big Data hero Summary Chapter 2:Introduction to R Programming Language and Statistical Environment Learning R Revisiting R basics Getting R and RStudio ready Setting the URLs to R repositories R data structures Vectors Scalars Matrices Arrays Data frames Lists ...