主编推荐: 本书从以下三个角度分析了卡里尔·斯小说中的电影元素和技巧:(一)作者如何将各种电影镜头转化为文字,实现一种视觉化叙事;(二)作者如何巧妙地将各种电影蒙太奇技巧运用到小说叙事中;(三)作者在小说中对光、色彩、声音的电影化运用。研究表明电影对斯小说的叙事技巧、风格、人物刻画、主题都产生了重要影响。 媒体评论: 本书从以下三个角度分析了卡里尔·斯小说中的电影元素和技巧:(一)作者如何将各种电影镜头转化为文字,实现一种视觉化叙事;(二)作者如何巧妙地将各种电影蒙太奇技巧运用到小说叙事中;(三)作者在小说中对光、色彩、声音的电影化运用。研究表明电影对斯小说的叙事技巧、风格、人物刻画、主题都产生了重要影响。 精彩内容: Caribbean born writer Caryl Phillips is one of the foremost contemporary British novelists, having published ten novels over the past thirty years, an oeuvre that shows him continuously seeking to challenge readers’ expectations and offer fresh perspectives in each new work. Throughout this body of work, he has been steadfastly exploring so and cultural dimensions of racism, postcolonial migration, and diasporic identity, always placing his subject in view of carefully researched and dramatically evoked historical context and with close attention to the circumstances and experiences of individuals. Such an approach and interest call for experimentation, combining a humanistic concern and a postmodern sense of the constructedness of history and identity. Critics of Phillips’s work thus agre ... 内容简介: 本书从以下三个角度分析了卡里尔·斯小说中的电影元素和技巧:(一)作者如何将各种电影镜头转化为文字,实现一种视觉化叙事;(二)作者如何巧妙地将各种电影蒙太奇技巧运用到小说叙事中;(三)作者在小说中对光、色彩、声音的电影化运用。研究表明电影对斯小说的叙事技巧、风格、人物刻画、主题都产生了重要影响。 摘要: novel and therefore stimulates their innovations with the point of view in writing.46 For instance, Caryl Phillips, in his many novels such as The Nature of Blood and Dancing in the Dark, alternates frequently the first and third person narration.47 As for the second aspect, cinema has made considerable impact on the techniques of the novel with its spe ways of manipulating time such as flashbacks, flash forwards, slow motions, fast motions, and freeze frames.48 Phillips’s novels, experimenting with the narrative time by learning from the film, display a flexibility and non-conventionality in both time and space. Sound, since the arrival of sound film, has been an important source for conveying meanings and messages. The significance of sound in cinema has influenced the novel in its use of sound effects, which are particularly evident, for example, in Phillips’s Dancing in the Dark. Even the dialogues in Phillips’s novels are sometimes written in a way like the scenarios. And last, the editing process of cinema, i.e., the principle of composition by juxtaposition, has left an indelible mark on contemporary fiction as well.49 Phillips has also made technical innovations with juxtaposition, or rather, the method of montage, in his novels. As the above dis ... 目录: Preface i Acknowledgements iii List of Abbreviations v Chapter One Introduction 1 Chapter Two Novel and Film 23 Chapter Three Cinematic Visualization: Writing with a Camera Eye 57 I. Frequent Cross-references to the Cinema 58 II. Parallels of Different Camera Shots 70 III. The Significance of Different Shots 95
IV. The Significance of the Combination of Different Shots 103 Chapter Four Montage: Fragmentation and Discontinuity 111 I. Quick Sequences of Brief Images 113 II. Metaphorical Montages 120 III. Parallel Montages and Jump Cuts 130
IV. Flashback Montages 139 V Conclusion 145 Chapter Five Phillips’s Cinematic Use of Light, Color and Sound 147 I. Light 147 II. Color 176 III. Sound 195 Chapter Six Cinematic Imagination 225 Bibliography 235