主编推荐: "The book every doctor needs to take care of adults. To be the best doctor you can be, you need the best information. For more than 90 years, what is now called Goldman-Cecil Medicine has been the authoritative source for internal medicine and the care of adult patients. Every chapter is written by acclaimed experts who, with the oversight of our editors, provide definitive, unbiased advice on the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of common and uncommon conditions, always guided by an understanding of the epidemiology and pathobiology, as well as the latest medical literature. Goldman-Cecil Medicine’s features include: More than 400 chapters authored by a veritable “Who’s Who” of modern medicine A practical, templated organization with an emphasis on evidence-based references Thousands ... 内容简介: 《西氏内科学:第26版:英文》由(美)古德曼,(美)谢弗主编 目录: 《西氏内科学:第26版:英文》目录参见目录图