作者简介: 李东成,Li Dongcheng is a Florida licensed acupuncturephysician. He holds a Diplomate in OrientalMedicine from the National CertificationCommission for Acupuncture and OrientalMedicine (NCCAOM*). He has been aprofessor at American College of Acupunctureand Oriental Medicine in Houston andAtlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine inFort Lauderdale. Dr. Li is a fifth generationpractitioner of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and the only apprentice in his family. Dr. Li is not only a Chinese medicinepractitioner but also a famous author, educatorand social activist. He has published near 10books that has been selling as popular books inAmazon.com in the past few years. He has alsobeen teaching Acupuncture Board Licensingexam preparation classes for new potentialacupuncturists all across ... 内容简介: 本书以“针灸中国网”三位创始人为主创团队,从饮食、疾病、养生等角度,用浅显通俗的语言全面纪录中医在国内外如何影响我们这个时代人的生活方式。 目录: Chapter 1 Health and Disease
Section 1 Comparison of Understanding Diseases Between Eastern and Western Viewpoints
Section 2 Comparison of Eastern and Western Lifestyle
Section 3 Viewpoints in Yellow Emperors Inner Canon
Section 4 Heaven, Earth, Humans, and Essences, Qi, Spirit
Chapter 2 Natural Environment
Section 1 Natural Climate
Section 2 Natural Solar Term
Chapter 3 Diet
Section 1 Basic Principles of Diet
Section 2 Five Grains
Section 3 Five Tastes
Section 4 Dietary Habits According to the Four Seasons
Section 5 Tobacco, Liquor and Coffee
Chapter 4 Emotions
Chapter 5 Exercise
Section 1 Physical Activities and Rest
Section 2 Physical Exercises (Tai-Clu, Yoga, Working Out)