内容简介: 《教师专业学习共同体常见问题简答(英文版)》是我社从美国Solution Tree出版社引进的“教师专业学习共同体(PLC)研究丛书”之一。Professional Learning Community(PLC)是指某一工作领域中同事们集体学习提高的一种方法。该方法经常被用于组织学校老师在实践中提高教学水平,改善学生学习效果。Professional Learning Community at Work是Solution Tree公司的一个重要项目,立志于帮助各所学校(包括小学、中学、大学)乃至各个地区建立PLC机制。“教师专业学习共同体(PLC)研究丛书”即其成果、经验汇总。《教师专业学习共同体常见问题简答(英文版)》对建立教师专业学习共同体过程中常见的问题进行了梳理和解答,内容以实际操练为主,语言简洁流畅,没有艰深的理论探讨,富有实践意义。 目录: About the Authors
Remodeling Your School:The Unexpected Obstacles
A Sequential,Nonlinear,and Cyclical Process
Your Guide on the Side
How This Book Is Organized.
PLCs 101
What is a PLC?
What is the PLC-the entire district,the school,or the individual teams within the school?
What is collective inquiry?
What is action research?
What are the three big ideas?
What is a focus on learning?
What is a collaborative culture?
What is a results orientation?
What is a culture that is simultaneously loose and tight?
We have had meetings at our school for years,so are we a PLC?
Why are the three big ideas so important to the PLC process?