作者简介: 卡伦·格布哈特,Karen Gebhardt is the Director of the Online Economics Program in the Department of Economics and regularly teaches in the Masters of the Environment program at the University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Gebhardt has a passion for teaching economics. She has taught online since 2005, and regularly instructs on-campus large introductory courses in macro- and microeconomics; upper-division courses in Public Finance, Microeconomics, Money and Banking, and International Trade; and graduate courses in Public Finance and Environmental Statistics. She is an early adopter of technology in the classroom and advocates strongly for it because she sees the difference it makes in student engagement and learning. Dr. Gebhardt was the recipient of the Water Pik Excellence in Education Award in 2006 and was awarded the Colorado State University Best Teacher Award in 2015. 内容简介: 本书是美国经济学教授布拉德利·希勒专为用一个学期讲授经济学原理的教师和学习这门课程的学生开发的经济学教科书。在有限的篇幅内,涵盖了微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际经济学的核心内容和基本原理,被誉为“学生们真正在读的一本经济学书”。本书作为双语教材,对英文版的标题、重点内容和生词等进行了翻译和注释。读者不仅能够在希勒教授的娓娓道来中轻松掌握经济学的基础知识,而且能够读到原汁原味的地道专业英语。