出版者的话 1.1989年后波兰电影到底经历了什么? Whatever happened to Polish cinema after 1989? 2.解决身份危机:中东欧电影如何面对1989年之后的变化 Resolving a crisis of identity: how central-eastern European cinema adjusted to the changes of 1989 3.新纪录片来了:1989—2009 The arrival of the new documentary. Two decades 1989-2009 4.电影与历史 Cinema and history 5.六十岁老人的“第二春”——1989年后的波兰动画电影 The second youth of a sixty year old. Polish animation after 1989 6波兰是女性吗?——1989—2009年波兰电影中的女性主义和同性恋 Is Poland a woman? Feminist and homosexual themes in Polish film from 1989-2009 7波兰的独立电影现象(1989—2009) The phenomenon of Polish independent cinema in 1989-2009 8.回归市场经济的波兰电影 Polish cinema - a return to market economy 9.波兰电影的成功案例 Polish cinema success stories 10.1989年后波兰电影的商业策略 Strategies of Polish commercial cinema after 1989 11.传统与多样性:波兰电影教育概述 Tradition and diversity: an outline of Polish film education 后记