Chapter 1 Introduction 1. What is rhetoric 2. Composition-Rhetoric 3. Differences between ancient and modern thought 3.1 Attitude to factual proof 3.2 Attitude to opinion 3.3 Attitude to rhetorical situation 3.4 Attitude to language 4. Great ideas in western rhetoric 4.1 Invention 4.2 Disposition 4.3 Style 4.4 Memory 4.5 Delivery 5. Why do we study rhetoric 6. Questions and exercises 7. Further reading Chapter 2 History of rhetoric 1. Aristotle and Plato times 2. Roman times and middle ages 3. Renaissance and Enlightenment 4. Modern times 4.1 Kenneth Burke 4.2 Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca 4.3 Other scholars who contributed to modern rhetorical practices 5. Further reading Chapter 3 History of Composition-Rhetoric 1. Overview 2. Background: changes in understanding of children and of the nature of writing 3. The \"literacy crisis\" of the 1970s and emerging schools of thought 4. Writing as ideological 5. Basic composition theory 5.1 Pre-writing 5.2 Writing 5.3 Revision 5.4 Editing 6. Ideologies and the writing process 7. Teaching composition 8. Reading for discussion 9. Questions and exercises 10. Further reading Chapter 4 Style and figures of speech 1. Style 1.1 Scope of style 1.2 Five virtues of style 1.3 Diction 1.4 Sentences 1.5 Tone 1.6 Ways to achieve good style 2. Figures of speech 2.1 Definition and classifications 2.2 Schemes 2.3 Tropes 3. Reading for discussion 4. Questions and exercises 5. Further reading Chapter 5 Three appeals 1. Logical appeal 1.1 Aristotle\'s syllogism 1.2 Deduction and induction in modern writing 1.3 Other ways to realize logical appeal 2. Emotional appeal 2.1 What is emotional appeal 2.2 How to appeal to emotion 3. Ethical appeal 3.1 Components of ethos 3.2 Ways to establish ethos 3.3 Invented ethos and failed ethos 4. Fallacies 4.1 Formal logical fallacies 4.2 Informal logical fallacies 5. Reading for discussion 6. Questions and exercises 7. Further reading Chapter 6 Theories on discourse structure 1. Toulmin\'s rhetoric of argumentation 1.1 Toulmin model 1.2 Comparison and application 1.3 Comments on Toulmin model 2. Van Eemeren\'s argumentation structure 3. Rhetorical structure theory 3.1 Main idea 3.2 Application of RST 4. Other structures in argumentative/ persuasive writing 5. Reading for discussion 6. Questions and exercises 7. Further reading Chapter 7 Contrastive rhetoric 1. What is contrastive rhetoric 2. Origin of contrastive rhetoric 3. Model of contrastive rhetoric 4. Text analysis used by Kaplan 5. Methods of analysis in contrastive rhetoric 6. Comments on contrastive rhetoric 7. Critical contrastive rhetoric 8. Conflicting ideas 9. Questions and exercises 10. Further reading Chapter 8 Intercultural rhetoric and translingual writing 1. Intercultural rhetoric 1.1 What is intercultural rhetoric 1.2 Connor\'s three maps 1.3 Research methods in intercultural rhetoric 2. What is translingualism? 3. Translingual view of errors caused by L1 transfer 4. Comments on translingualism 5. Reading for discussion 6. Questions and exercises 7. Further reading Chapter 9 Comparative rhetoric 1. Comparative rhetoric 2. Major practices to do comparative rhetoric 3. Comparative rhetoric studies of Chinese argumentation 4. Comparative rhetorical perspective of Chinese face 5. Reading for discussion 6. Questions and exercises 7. Further reading Chapter 10 Conceptions in composition research and instruction 1. Introducti