short dentalimnts (6 mm) versus long dental imnts (11-15 mm) inbination with sinus floor elevation procedures:3-year results from a multicentre, randomized, controlledclinical trial
pohl v, thomads, sporniak-tutak k, garcia-garcia a, taylor
td, haasr,hammerle chf
李成章 审 王忠禹 译
比较使用短种植体(6 mm)和长种植体(11~15 mm)联合上颌窦提升术的多中心对照研究
第二部分:负重1年后的临床和影像学结果 13
randomizedcontrolled multicenter study paring short dental imnts(6 mm) versus longer dental imnts (11-15 mm) inbination with sinus floor elevation procedures. part2: clinical and radiographic outes at 1
year of loa
schincagliagp, thoma ds, haas r, tutak m, garcia a, taylor td, hammerlechf
栾庆先 审 曾佳骏 译
种植体长度对早期失败率的影响:一项基于观察研究的meta分析 21
impact of dentalimnt length on early failure rates: a meta-analysis ofobservational studies
pommer b, frantals, willer j, ch m, watzek g, tepper g
王勤涛 审 许乐檬 译
部分无牙颌患者植入短种植体(<10 mm)预后的系统综述 27
a systematicreview of the prognosis of short (<10 mm) dental imntsced in the partially edentulous patient
telleman g,raghoebar gm, vissink a, den hartog l, huddleston slater jjr,meijer hja
李成章 审 吴慧萍 译
台转移对后牙区短种植体邻面骨水的影响:1年对照临床试验 35
impact oftform switching on inter-promal bone levels around shortimnts in the terior region: 1-year results from a randomizedclinical trial
telleman g,raghoebar gm, vissink a, meijer hja
栾庆先 审 张井然 译
摘要 abstracts
种植体周探诊出血相关因素的回顾研究 43
blee onprobing around dental imnts: a retrospective study ofassociated factors
farina r,filippi m, brazzioli j, tomasi c, trombelli l
王勤涛 审 王穆洋 译
后牙区短种植体(﹤10 mm)支持的单冠修复meta分析 43
meta-analysis ofsingle crowns supported by short (<10 mm) imnts inthe terior region mezzomo la,miller r, triches d, alonso f, shinkai rsa
王勤涛 审 王穆洋 译
两种不同植入系统在13年间种植体周围炎的发生率 44
the incidence ofperi-imntitis for two different imnt systems over aperiod of thirteen years
renvert s,lindahl c, rutger persson g
李成章 审 徐名媛 译
种植体周围炎骨术后长期稳定的3年前瞻病例对照研究 44
long-termstability of surgical bone regenerative procedures ofperi-imntitis lesions in a prospective casecontrol study over 3years
roos-jansakera-m, lindahl c, persson gr, renvert s
李成章 审 徐名媛 译
运用纳米羟基灰石晶体或天然骨矿物质联合胶原膜种植体周围炎病损的2年临床结果 45
two-yearclinical results following treatment of periimntitis lesions using ananocrystalline hydroxyapatite or a naturalbone mineral in bination with a collagen membrane
schwarz f,sculean a, bieling k, ferrari d, rothamel d, becker j